Pointwise ergodic theorems.

Çömez, Doğan


Commuting Nilpotent Operators and Maximal Rank
Öztürk, Semra (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2010-01-01)
Let X, (X) over tilde be commuting nilpotent matrices over k with nilpotency p(t), where k is an algebraically closed field of positive characteristic p. We show that if X - (X) over tilde is a certain linear combination of products of pairwise commuting nilpotent matrices, then X is of maximal rank if and only if (X) over tilde is of maximal rank.
Hyperbolic conservation laws on manifolds. An error estimate for finite volume schemes
Lefloch, Philippe G.; Okutmuştur, Baver; Neves, Wladimir (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2009-07-01)
Following Ben-Artzi and LeFloch, we consider nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws posed on a Riemannian manifold, and we establish an L (1)-error estimate for a class of finite volume schemes allowing for the approximation of entropy solutions to the initial value problem. The error in the L (1) norm is of order h (1/4) at most, where h represents the maximal diameter of elements in the family of geodesic triangulations. The proof relies on a suitable generalization of Cockburn, Coquel, and LeFloch's theo...
Arbitrarily Long Factorizations in Mapping Class Groups
DALYAN, ELİF; Korkmaz, Mustafa; Pamuk, Mehmetcik (2015-01-01)
On a compact oriented surface of genus g with n= 1 boundary components, d1, d2,..., dn, we consider positive factorizations of the boundary multitwist td1 td2 tdn, where tdi is the positive Dehn twist about the boundary di. We prove that for g= 3, the boundary multitwist td1 td2 can be written as a product of arbitrarily large number of positive Dehn twists about nonseparating simple closed curves, extending a recent result of Baykur and Van Horn- Morris, who proved this result for g= 8. This fact has immed...
Arbitrarily long factorizations in mapping class groups
Korkmaz, Mustafa (2015-05-12)
On a compact oriented surface of genus g with n ≥ 1 boundary components, δ1, δ2, ..., δn, we consider positive factorizations of the boundary multitwist tδ1 tδ2 ...tδn, where tδi is the positive Dehn twist about the boundary δi. We prove that for g ≥ 3, the boundary multitwist tδ1 tδ2 can be written as a product of arbitrarily large number of positive Dehn twists about nonseparating simple closed curves, extending a recent result of Baykur and Van Horn-Morris, who proved this result for g ≥ 8. This fact has...
Commutators, Lefschetz fibrations and the signatures of surface bundles
Endo, H; Korkmaz, Mustafa; Kotschick, D; Ozbagci, B; Stipsicz, A (Elsevier BV, 2002-09-01)
We construct examples of Lefschetz fibrations with prescribed singular fibers. By taking differences of pairs of such fibrations with the same singular fibers, we obtain new examples of surface bundles over surfaces with nonzero signature. From these we derive new upper bounds for the minimal genus of a surface representing a given element in the second homology of a mapping class group.
Citation Formats
D. Çömez, “Pointwise ergodic theorems.,” Middle East Technical University, 1980.