Searching for subspace trails and truncated differentials

Leander, Gregor
Tezcan, Cihangir
Wiemer, Friedrich
Grassi et al. [Gra+16] introduced subspace trail cryptanalysis as a generalization of invariant subspaces and used it to give the first five round distinguisher for Aes. While it is a generic method, up to now it was only applied to the Aes and Prince. One problem for a broad adoption of the attack is a missing generic analysis algorithm. In this work we provide efficient and generic algorithms that allow to compute the provably best subspace trails for any substitution permutation cipher.
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology


Linear Contrasts for Time Series Data with Non-Normal Innovations: An Application to a Real Life Data
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Yıldırım et al. [5] estimated the model parameters and introduced a test statistic in one-way classification AR(1) model under the assumption of independently and identically distributed (iid) error terms having Student’s t distribution, see also [4]. In this study, we extend their study to linear contrasts which is a well-known and widely used comparison method when the null hypothesis about the equality of the treatment means is rejected, see [3], [4]. See also [1] and [2] in the context of ANOVA. A test ...
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Strongly convergent method to solve one-dimensional quantum problems
Taşeli, Hasan (1997-07-01)
Vargas et al. [Phys. Rev. E 53, 1954 (1996)] presented a numerical matrix method to solve the one-dimensional Schrodinger equation subject to Dirichlet boundary conditions. It is a well-known fact that the eigensolutions of such a confined system converge asymptotically to those of the corresponding unbounded problem as the boundary value increases. However, it is verified computationally that the results given by Vargas et al. are inaccurate, especially for the excited states of the perturbed oscillator Ha...
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Background/Purpose Ball et al. (2008) categorized knowledge for teaching into two domains: Common Content Knowledge (CCK) and Specialized Content Knowledge (SCK). As a general rule CCK can be viewed as knowing how to perform an activity and SCK as knowing how to teach CCK (e.g., teaching progressions). Recent research has shown that many teachers do not acquire SCK sufficiently well enough to teach (Lee, 2010; Kim 2011). Method We examined the extent to which CK classes include CCK and SCK in 77 PETE progr...
Citation Formats
G. Leander, C. Tezcan, and F. Wiemer, “Searching for subspace trails and truncated differentials,” IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, pp. 74–100, 2018, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: