Investigation on the ballistic behavior of Al(2)O(3)/Al2O24 laminated composites

Laminated composites have great potential in producing lightweight armors. This study presents the experimental study of the low velocity ballistic behavior of Al(2)O(3)/Al2O24 (alumina/aluminum) laminated composites against 7.62 x 51 mm armor piercing (AP) projectiles. The effects of mechanical properties of backing material and laminating type as well as the adhesive type on the ballistic performance of the composite armor were investigated. Furthermore, an inspection of the fracture surfaces was carried out to analyze deformation mode by using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The test results showed that utilization of alumina as a front layer and Al2O24-T6 as a backing layer in the composites with an alumina/aluminum thickness ratio in the range of 1-3 maintained the highest ballistic performance. Moreover, composites bonded with polyurethane exhibited more resistance to spalling of ceramic tiles than those bonded with epoxy, even though adhesive type had no appreciable effect on the ballistic performance of the composites.


On the drop-weight testing of alumina/aluminum laminated composites
Ubeyli, M; Yıldırım, Raif Orhan; Ögel, Bilgehan (2005-10-01)
Laminated composites with ceramic front layers and metallic or composite backing layers have gained attractiveness as 11,lightweight armours, as they exhibit the same ballistic performance with lower area] densities as compared to steels. Drop-weight testing (DWT) has potential for evaluating the low velocity impact behaviour or materials. This testing gives significant ideas and information about failure mechanisms and behaviour of materials under low velocity impact. In this study, DWT of alumina/aluminum...
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Role of Laminate Thickness on Sequential Dynamic Delamination of Curved [90/0] CFRP Composite Laminates
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In aerospace industry, high demand for the lightweight structures are fostering the use of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites in a wide variety of shapes, as primary load carrying elements. However, once a composite laminate takes a highly curved shape, such as an L-shape, interlaminar stresses augmented in the curved region cause highly dynamic delamination nucleation and propagation. This paper provides experimental observations of dynamic delamination failure in cross-plied L-shaped composite lam...
Experimental Observations of Dynamic Delamination in Curved [0] and [0/90] Composite Laminates
Uyar, İmren; Arca, Miray; Gozluklu, Burak; Çöker, Demirkan (2015-01-01)
Curved composite parts are increasingly replacing metal ribs and box structures in recent civil aerospace structures and wind turbine blades. Delamination of L-shaped composite laminates occurs by interlaminar opening stresses in addition to the interlaminar shear stresses at the curved region. An experimental setup is designed to investigate dynamic delamination in L-shaped composite brackets under quasi static shear loading. The materials are unidirectional [0]17and cross-ply [0/90]17 epoxy/graphite compo...
Gozluklu, B.; Uyar, I; Çöker, Demirkan (2014-07-25)
In wind energy and aerospace industries, new advances in composite manufacturing technology enable to produce primary load carrying elements as composite materials in wide variety of shapes large such as an L-shape. However, due to the geometry, Interlaminar Normal Stresses (ILNS) are induced once a moderately thick laminate takes highly curved shape. In the curved part of the L-shaped structure, the development of ILNS promotes mode-I type of delamination propagation which is the weakest fracture mode. Thi...
Citation Formats
M. Ubeyli, R. O. Yıldırım, and B. Ögel, “Investigation on the ballistic behavior of Al(2)O(3)/Al2O24 laminated composites,” JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, pp. 356–364, 2008, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: