Collaborative risk method for information security management practices: A case context within Turkey

In this case study, a collaborative risk method for information security management has been analyzed considering the common problems encountered during the implementation of ISO standards in eight Turkish public organizations. This proposed risk method has been applied within different public organizations and it has been demonstrated to be effective and problem-free. The fundamental issue is that there is no legislation that regulates the information security liabilities of the public organizations in Turkey. The findings and lessons learned presented in this case provide useful insights for practitioners when implementing information security management projects in other international public sector organizations.


A Decision Support System for Optimal Selection of Enterprise Information Security Preventative Actions
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A Collaborative Process Based Risk Analysis for Information Security Management Systems
Karabacak, Bilge; Özkan Yıldırım, Sevgi (2010-04-09)
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In this thesis, we analyse the security criteria of some public key encryption schemes. In this respect, we present the notion of adversarial goals and adversarial capabilities. We give the definition of provably security by means of several games between the challenger and the adversary in some security models, namely the standard model and the random oracle model. We state the main differences between these two models and observe the advantage of the success probability of the adversary in breaking the cr...
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A Conceptual Model for a Metric Based Framework for the Monitoring of Information Security Tasks’ Efficiency
Sönmez, Ferda Özdemir (Elsevier BV; 2019)
Information Security Governance Systems are not adequate to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of security tasks for the enterprises. Although some of the systems offer ways for measurement, they still need the definition of measurement objectives and metrics. This study proposes a conceptual framework mode which has human and tool/process related metrics. This system also allows the collection of evidence data for security-related tasks and ways to motivate the security staff to provide a more produc...
Citation Formats
S. Özkan Yıldırım, “Collaborative risk method for information security management practices: A case context within Turkey,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, pp. 567–572, 2010, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: