On de Rham-Witt complex and crystalline cohomology.

Tekman, Okan


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On the inverse problem of galois theory.
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On equivariant Serre problem for principal bundles
Biswas, Indranil; Dey, Arijit; Poddar, Mainak (World Scientific Pub Co Pte Lt, 2018-08-01)
Let E-G be a Gamma-equivariant algebraic principal G-bundle over a normal complex affine variety X equipped with an action of Gamma, where G and Gamma are complex linear algebraic groups. Suppose X is contractible as a topological Gamma-space with a dense orbit, and x(0) is an element of X is a Gamma-fixed point. We show that if Gamma is reductive, then E-G admits a Gamma-equivariant isomorphism with the product principal G-bundle X x rho E-G(x(0)), where rho : Gamma -> G is a homomorphism between algebraic...
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© 2021 K. Zheltukhin N. Zheltukhina. All Rights Reserved.We consider a discretization problem for hyperbolic Darboux integrable systems. In particular, we discretize continuous systems admitting x- and y-integrals of the first and second order. Such continuous systems were classified by Zhvber and Kostrigina. In the present paper, continuous systems are discretized with respect to one of continuous variables and the resulting semi-discrete system is required to be also Darboux integrable. To obtain such a d...
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The Hamilton–Jacobi theory of a special type of singular continuous systems is investigated by the equivalent Lagrangians method. The Hamiltonian is constructed in such a way that the constraint equations are involved in the canonical equations implicitly. The Hamilton–Jacobi partial differential equation is set up in a similar manner to the regular case
Citation Formats
O. Tekman, “On de Rham-Witt complex and crystalline cohomology.,” Middle East Technical University, 1986.