Comparison of Subjective and Objective Evaluation Methods for Audio Source Separation

Josef, Kornycky
Günel Kılıç, Banu
Ahmet, Kondoz
The evaluation of audio separation algorithms can either be performed objectively by calculation of numerical measures, or subjectively through listening tests. Although objective evaluation is inherently more straightforward, subjective listening tests are still essential in determining the perceived quality of separation. This paper aims to find relationships between objective and subjective results so that numerical values can be translated into perceptual criteria. A generic audio source separation system was modelled which provided varying levels of interference, noise and artifacts. This enabled a full spread of objective measurement values to be obtained. Extensive tests were performed utilising the output synthesised by this separation model. The relationships found were presented and the factors of prime importance were determined.
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics


Multi-perspective analysis and systematic benchmarking for binary-classification performance evaluation instruments
Canbek, Gürol; Taşkaya Temizel, Tuğba; Department of Information Systems (2019)
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Ertan, AE; Aksu, EB; Ilk, HG; Karci, H; Karpat, O; Kolcak, T; Sendur, L; Demirekler, Mübeccel; Cetin, AE (1999-03-19)
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Evaluation of visual quality metrics
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Citation Formats
K. Josef, B. Günel Kılıç, and K. Ahmet, “Comparison of Subjective and Objective Evaluation Methods for Audio Source Separation,” Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, pp. 0–0, 2008, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: