An evaluation and a typological study of "Kayseri bağ evleri".

zkaramete, Latife


An Analysis on Disentanglement in Machine Learning Makine Öǧrenmesinde Ayrişiklik Üzerine Bir Analiz
Moğultay, Hazal; Kalkan, Sinan; Yarman Vural, Fatoş Tunay (2022-01-01)
Learnt representations by Deep autoencoders is not capable of decomposing the complex information into simple notion. In other words, attributes of samples are entangled in the basis vectors spanning the learned space. This leads to significant errors in deep learning algorithms. In order to avoid these errors, it is necessary to separate the feature space according to the common features shared between classes and to define a simple subspace for each feature. This approach has led to the birth of a new par...
An Evaluation of Anıtlar Yüksek Kurulu [AYK] a decision making organization in conservation and its decisions (1976-1983).
Gürsöz (Tol), Seher; Department of City Planning (1984)
A comparision of the ideas of Ziya Gökalp and Yusuf Akçura on Turkism
Yüner, Meral; Tokluoğlu, Ayşe Ceylan; Department of Sociology (2009)
The aim of this thesis is to compare the ideas Ziya Gökalp and Yusuf Akçura on Turkism. Nationalism emerged in the 18th century in Western Europe has been a real force in world politics for the last two centuries. Naturally, towards the end of the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire with many different ethnic groups within its borders was influenced by Western nationalist movements. Analyzing Turkish nationalism, it is seen that from the late 18th century to the announcement of the Second Constitution in 1908,...
A pragmatic analysis of Turkish discourse practicles: Yani, işte and şey,
Yılmaz, Erkan; Ruhi, Şükriye; Department of English Language Education (2004)
Adopting an eclectic analytic perspective of discourse analysis, conversation analysis and functional approaches, this study conducts an in-depth pragmatic analysis and describes the function of three pragmatic particles yani, iste and sey in casual, conversational Turkish. All three particles have multiple functions, which are described by reference to occurrences in utterances within three different domains of conversation. While utterance initial occurrences of yani are mainly connective and continuative...
Cengiz BEKTAŞ İle Mimarlıkta Kuramsal Sorunlar Ve Katılım Üzerine Bir Söyleşi
Bektaş, Cengiz (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1980)
Cengiz Bektaş is a distinguished contemporary Turkish architect. He has numerous contributions both as a designer and as a writer and poet. Bektaş, in the above interview, and during the discussions held in the opening of the exhibition of his own work, summarized his approach in design, the state of architecture in Turkey, the implications of architectural theory and methodology. He explained how he related these to his experiences as a practicing architect. He believes that there is quite an overlap betwe...
Citation Formats
L. zkaramete, “An evaluation and a typological study of “Kayseri bağ evleri”.,” Middle East Technical University, 1983.