Rıza Çimen

Department of Basic English
Sexing the Alien: A Posthuman Hermeneutics of the Embodied Self in Lisa Tuttle’s “Wives"
Çimen, Rıza (2022-12-01)
Dominant discourses seek to take hold of every epistemic stratum through ubiquitous attempts to regulate quotidian experiences and routines. Ranging from language to culture, from gender to political organizations, d...
Postmodern Character along the Möbius Strip: Ed Thomas's Stone City Blue
Çimen, Rıza (2022-10-18)
Postmodernism dissociates itself from the assumed rationality, unity, and mastery of the Cartesian subject and favours multiple subjectivities rather than one ideal subjecthood. By offering novel ways in which difference, ...
"All greatness is in virtue:" Heroic Ethos and the Ideals of Citizenship in John Dryden's Aureng-zebe
Çimen, Rıza (2022-06-02)
The term “Restoration theatre” has come to represent a set of assumptions about the trajectory of the English theatre in the aftermath of the Interregnum period. One common tendency in dramatic criticism is the premise ...
“That’s a grand story:” Reading J. M. Synge’s The Playboy of the Western World as a postnational allegory
Çimen, Rıza; Ünlü Çimen, Esra (2022-06-01)
The concept of “national allegory” formulated in Fredric Jameson’s work on the third-world literatures has been the subject of much critical debate, especially in the context of postcolonial studies. The dispute surroundin...
"The earth didn't want it:" Unruly Ecology as Counter-Memory in A Passage to India
Çimen, Rıza (2022-06-01)
Özgürlük temelli bir potansiyel barındırmalarına karşın, karşı-bellek çalışmaları çoğunlukla insan-merkezlidir, zira bu çalışmalarda temel referans noktası olarak ‘insan’ kategorisi ele alınır. Hem Michel Foucault hem d...
Sexing the Alien: A Posthuman Hermeneutics of the Embodied Self in Lisa Tuttle's "Wives"
Çimen, Rıza (2022-05-12)
"Words spinning into nothing:" Subjectivities along the Eternal Past in Enda Walsh's The New Electric Balroom
Çimen, Rıza (2021-12-03)
"There's something hostile in that soil:" Unruly Ecology as Counter-Memory in A Passage to India
Çimen, Rıza (2021-10-22)
Despite their emancipatory potential, studies in counter-memory have been predominantly anthropocentric in that they have taken the category of the human as the main frame of reference. Both Foucault’s body of work and ...
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