Sexing the Alien: A Posthuman Hermeneutics of the Embodied Self in Lisa Tuttle's "Wives"

15. International IDEA Conference, Studies in English


Sexual violence against women in civil wars: an analysis of Yugoslavian Civil War
Özel, Gülen; Aslan Akman, Canan; Department of Gender and Women's Studies (2006)
In this thesis, the systematic usage of sexual violence towards women as a weapon during the Yugoslavian Civil War is analyzed. The study attempts to underline the role of gender identities of women during the Civil War as a means for the victimization of women through sexual violence, especially mass rapes. It is argued that with the disintegration of Yugoslavia, as men clashed for power, the portrayal of women as “mothers” and “carriers” of the nation under the nationalistic discourse caused these women t...
Carnivalization of gender hierarchies and the body in Virginia Woolf’s fiction
Yılmaz, Victoria Bilge; Öztabak Avcı, Elif; Department of English Literature (2016)
Virginia Woolf is a leading figure in feminist literature and criticism. Woolf’s novels constitute the main channel through which her feminist ideas are expressed. The Voyage Out (1915), To the Lighthouse (1927), Orlando (1928) and Flush (1933) are the novels through which it is possible to see how Woolf sabotages the notions of stability and certainty, on which patriarchal ideology rests. Woolf’s characters wrestle with the so-called domestic sphere in which women are entrapped to serve men, reveal the wea...
Histeri ve Obsesyon Nevrozunda Cinsiyetlenme Üzerine
Gagua, Neli; Baltacı, Sinem (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2017-9-1)
Histeri terimi eski dönemlerden beri kadın ile obsesyon terimi ise erkek ile ilişkili kullanılmıştır. Freud ve Lacan'ın söylemlerinde de bu yapılanmaların cinsiyetlenme ile eşleştirilerek kullanıldığı görülmektedir. Ancak Lacan'ın belirli bir cinsiyetin belirli yapılarla sınırlı olmadığını vurguladığı yazıları da bulunur. Güncel çalışmalarda da kadın obsesyonu ile ilgili tartışmalar sunulmuştur. Bu yazıda, öznenin kurulumunda histeri ve obsesyon nevrozundaki farklılaşmanın temelleri ve bu farklılıkta ci...
Gendering the individual and the population : patriarchal production of gendered subjectivities in political thought in early Republican Turkey
Yeğenoğlu, Metin; Ecevit, Mehmet Cihan; Department of Gender and Women's Studies (2006)
The main aim in this study is to understand how gendered subjectivities are constructed in political thought in early republican Turkey. In this respect, problematizations on gender, the main themes utilized in these problematizations and the operation of patriarchy in these intellectual activities are analyzed in the study. In doing so, the texts published in eight journals between 1929-1946 are examined employing a post-structuralist feminist theoretical framework, to which clarifications are proposed dra...
Sexual scripts on vaginismus: rewriting women’s sexual difficulties from their point of view
Turan Yunusoğlu, Yeliz; Ecevit, Fatma Yıldız; Department of Gender and Women's Studies (2019)
The purpose of the current study was to explore cultural, interpersonal, and intrapsychic sexual scripts framing vaginismus in Turkey and situate women’s personal experiences of vaginismus in the patriarchal discourse rather than putting them into health and illness domain. In order to better capture women’s subjective experiences of vaginismus, semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 11 women who overcame vaginismus in the recent past in Turkey. In analyzing data, thematic analysis was used...
Citation Formats
R. Çimen, “Sexing the Alien: A Posthuman Hermeneutics of the Embodied Self in Lisa Tuttle’s “Wives”,” presented at the 15. International IDEA Conference, Studies in English, Hatay, Türkiye, 2022, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: