Yücel Can Severcan

Department of City and Regional Planning
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science Researcher ID
The Relationship Between Urban Environment and Childhood Asthma: A Systematic Literature Review
Aydin, Neşe; Severcan, Yücel Can (2024-05-01)
This article aims to review the literature on the link between urban environment and childhood asthma with the outdoor air quality as the intervening variable. Our systematic literature review of 234 articles in Scopus, WO...
Sokak Ölçeğinde Kent Formu Değişkenlerinin Kent Merkezlerindeki PM Konsantrasyonları Üzerindeki Etkisi: Ankara Örneği
Aydın, Neşe; Severcan, Yücel Can; Gaga, Eftade Emine (2024-05-01)
The Relationship Between Urban Form and Childhood Asthma in Ankara
Çoban, Aybüke Balahun; Severcan, Yücel Can; Ulusoy Severcan, Ezgi; Yıldırım, Göksun (2024-04-15)
Investigating the Association Between Urban Form and Concentrations of Outdoor Particulate Matter in Children's Everyday Places
Severcan, Yücel Can; Yıldırım, Göksun; Aydin, Neşe; Gaga, Eftade Emine; Özden Üzmez, Özlem; Çoban, Aybüke Balahun; Ozarlı, Gönenç (2024-04-15)
Understanding the urban form characteristics that affect children's exposure to air pollution: Case of Ankara
Aydın, Neşe; Severcan, Yücel Can; Gaga, Eftade Emine (2024-03-01)
Learning from Children: Design and policy insights for child-friendly neighbourhood design
Ozbil Torun, Ayse; Severcan, Yücel Can; Akin, Zelal; Defeyter, Margaret; Bingol, Heval (2023-06-28)
Children's place experiences in high-rise mass housing in Ankara
Severcan, Yücel Can (2023-05-01)
Understanding the role of the urban form in supporting positive experiences and increased mental well-being among children
Severcan, Yücel Can; Ozbil Torun, Ayse; Defeyter, Margaret Anne; Akin, Zelal; Bingol, Heval (2022-11-08)
Assessing user preferences regarding military site regeneration: The case of the Fourth Corps Command in Ankara
Ural, Ece; Severcan, Yücel Can (2022-10-01)
Neighbourhood design and identification of objective built environment features supportive of children’s mental wellbeing
Ozbil Torun, Ayse; Severcan, Yücel Can; Defeyter, Margaret Anne; Bingol, Heval; Akin, Zelal (2022-08-12)
Evidence is building to show that while individual characteristics are critical in determining health status, the built environment exacerbates or mitigates health outcomes, such as physical activity levels and mental il...
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