Antoıne Dolcerocca

Department of Sociology
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science Researcher ID
Socio-economic or environmental benefits from pondscapes? Deriving stakeholder preferences using analytic hierarchy process and compositional data analysis
Vo, Hoang-Tien; Vrachioli, Maria; Frick, Fabian; Sauer, Johannes; Brucet Balmana, Sandra; Benejam Vidal, Lluís; Mehner, Thomas; Lemmens, Pieter; Oertli, Beat; Boissezon, Aurélie; Beklioğlu, Meryem; Dolcerocca, Antoıne; Meerhoff, Mariana (2023-09-15)
Ponds occupy a large share of standing water worldwide and play an important role in providing various ecosystem services. There are concerted efforts of the European Union either to create new ponds, or to restore and pre...
Bringing classes back into poverty discussions
Özgün, Gizem; Dolcerocca, Antoıne (2023-1-17)
The 1980s saw a shift in the emphasis of discourse on poverty from production relations to consumption relations, with levels of consumption and purchasing power used to define poverty. Based on this concept, much of the r...
“Our Plants are Slowly Dying here, Just Like us”: Coping with Pollution in Turkey’s “Cancer Valley”
Karagence, Mediha Didem; Dolcerocca, Antoıne (2023-01-01)
Air pollution has been plaguing Dilovası dwellers for more than two decades, and the proximity of large industrial facilities with residential areas has been associated with a strong prevalence of cancer among residents of...
Varieties of Land Grabbing and Resistance in Burkina Faso
Dolcerocca, Antoıne (2022-06-01)
A timely examination of the mechanisms behind the global wave of land grabbing that accompanied the last food crises of 2008 and 2012, showing a two-sided process: on the one hand, how the state dispossesses or allows the ...
Frédéric Lordon, Figures du Communisme
Dolcerocca, Antoıne (2022-03-01)
Reverberations Between the Metropole and Colony Systems in Algeria (1830-1962)
Dolcerocca, Antoıne (IGI Global, 2022-01-01)
This chapter argues that the history of penal law in colonial Algeria may be divided in three eras: the military conquest, the settlers’ rule, and the war of independence. To each of these eras corresponds vastly differ...
Development and Social Change
Dolcerocca, Antoıne (Palgrave Macmillan, London , 2022-01-01)
This chapter discusses the changing place of the peasantry in the Global South and its relation to development. While the world’s urban population surpassed rural population for the first time in 2007, peasants still mak...
State property vs. customary ownership: a comparative framework in West Africa
Dolcerocca, Antoıne (2021-01-01)
This article examines relations between state and customary land claims in Francophone West Africa. This region, despite a broadly common legal heritage at the time of independence, experienced a wide variety of changes at...
Intellectual Property Monopolies in Global Development
Dolcerocca, Antoıne (Kriter Yayınevi, 2021-01-01)
Interview: Thomas Piketty responds to criticisms from the Left
Dolcerocca, Antoıne (2016-10-01)
I think it would be a big mistake to oppose the objective of global progressive taxation of income and wealth with the objective of class struggle and political fight, for at least two reasons.First, making this tax reform...
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