Identification of Viscous and Coulomb Friction in Motion Constrained Systems

Balkan, Raif Tuna
In this study, a simple and inexpensive method is developed in order to identify viscous and Coulomb frictions in systems with motion limitations. This method is used on a prototype. A series of tests are performed using position profiles with different speeds created according to motion limits in the systems. Using the data obtained from these tests, viscous and Coulomb friction characteristics are identified for both negative and positive motion directions. The method developed can also be used to determine whether the Coulomb friction is position dependent or not and the change of Coulomb friction with the position.


Development of an all speed navier-stokes preconditioner for two and three dimensional flows on hybrid grids
Baş, Onur; Tuncer, İsmail Hakkı; Department of Aerospace Engineering (2015)
In this study, a novel Mach uniform preconditioning method is developed for the solution of Euler/Navier-Stokes equations at subsonic and incompressible flow conditions. In contrast to the methods developed earlier in which the conservation of mass equation is preconditioned, the conservation of energy equation is preconditioned in the present method to enforce the divergence free constraint on the velocity field even at the limiting case of incompressible, zero Mach number flows. The proposed Mach-uniform ...
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Numerical solution of buoyancy MHD flow with magnetic potential
Pekmen, B.; Tezer, Münevver (2014-04-01)
In this study, dual reciprocity boundary element method (DRBEM) is applied for solving the unsteady flow of a viscous, incompressible, electrically conducting fluid in channels under the effect of an externally applied magnetic field and buoyancy force. Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations are coupled with the energy equation due to the heat transfer by means of the Boussinessq approximation. Then, the 20 non-dimensional full MHD equations in terms of stream function, temperature, magnetic potential, curren...
Theoretical and experimental dynamic performance optimization of planar mechanisms using adjustment systems and mechanical generators
Mencek, Hakan; Soylu, Reşit; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2015)
Main focus of this study is to optimize the dynamic characteristics of planar mechanisms by utilizing two novel systems: adjustment systems and mechanical force/torque generators. Both theoretical and practical aspects of the problem are considered. The adjustment systems are special auxiliary systems that are designed for changing the inertial parameters of the mechanisms during the operation, whereas mechanical force/torque generators are over-constrained, energy efficient planar mechanisms which are able...
Investigation of air bubble motion in counter-current water flow conditions
Bezdegümeli, Uğur; Yeşin, Ahmet Orhan; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2003)
In this thesis study, air bubble motion in counter-current water flow conditions in a vertical pipe is investigated experimentally. For this purpose, a test set-up was designed and constructed. Images of motions of single bubbles, having different diameters in the range of 3.0-4.8 mm, generated by specially designed bubble injectors were recorded by using a monochrome camera, an image capture card and a PC. Recorded video images were processed to obtain the necessary data for the The purpose of the study is...
Citation Formats
Ü. YERLİKAYA and R. T. Balkan, “Identification of Viscous and Coulomb Friction in Motion Constrained Systems,” 2018, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: