The discrete fractional Fourier transform

Candan, Çağatay
We propose and consolidate a definition of the discrete fractional Fourier transform that generalizes the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in the same sense that the continuous fractional Fourier transform generalizes the continuous ordinary Fourier transform. This definition is based on a particular set of eigenvectors of the DFT matrix, which constitutes the discrete counterpart of the set of Hermite-Gaussian functions. The definition is exactly unitary, index additive, and reduces to the DFT for unit order. The fact that this definition satisfies all the desirable properties expected of the discrete fractional Fourier transform supports our confidence that it will be accepted as the definitive definition of this transform.


The scaled Hermite–Weber basis in the spectral and pseudospectral pictures
Taşeli, Hasan (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2005-10)
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The Wigner molecule in a 2D quantum dot
Akman, N; Tomak, Mehmet (1999-10-01)
The charge density and pair correlation function of three interacting electrons confined within a two-dimensional disc-like hard-wall quantum dot are calculated by full numerical diagonalization of the Hamiltonian. The formation of a Wigner molecule in the form of equilateral triangular configuration for electrons is observed as the size of the dot is increased.
The Sturm-Liouville operator on the space of functions with discontinuity conditions
Uğur, Ömür (2006-03-01)
The Sturm-Liouville differential operators defined on the space of discontinuous functions, where the moments of discontinuity of the functions are interior points of the interval and the discontinuity conditions are linear have been studied. Auxiliary results concerning the Green's formula, boundary value, and eigenvalue problems for impulsive differential equations are emphasized.
The Star Product on the Fuzzy Supersphere
BALACHANDRAN, A P; Kürkcüoğlu, Seçkin; ROJAS, Efrain (2002-07-01)
The fuzzy supersphere S-F((2,2)) is a finite-dimensional matrix approximation to the supersphere S-(2,S-2) incorporating supersymmetry exactly. Here the star-product of functions on S-F((2,2)) is obtained by utilizing the OSp(2,1) coherent states. We check its graded commutative limit to S-(2,S-2) and extend it to fuzzy versions of sections of bundles using the methods of [1]. A brief discussion of the geometric structure of our star-product completes our work.
Citation Formats
Ç. Candan and H. OZAKTAS, “The discrete fractional Fourier transform,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, pp. 1329–1337, 2000, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: