Discrete discriminant analysis and dependence

Geyik, Cemal


Discrete-time stochastic analysis of land combat
Eliiyi, Uğur; Özdemirel, Nur Evin; Department of Industrial Engineering (2004)
In this study, we present the implementation and experimental analysis of a modeling approach for analyzing tactical level land combat to generate information for weapon and ammunition planning. The discrete-time stochastic model (DSM), which can handle small and moderately large force levels, is based on single shot kill probabilities. Forces are assumed to be heterogeneous on both sides, and both directed and area fire types are modeled by means of combinatorial analysis. DSM considers overkills and can h...
Discrete and continuous structural optimization using Evolution Strategies
Hasançebi, Oğuzhan (null; 2005-01-01)
Discrete bifurcation diagrams and persistence
Örnek, Türkmen; Pamuk, Semra; Department of Mathematics (2018)
Let fti : M → R be a discrete Morse function on a cell complex M for each t0 < t1 < ... < tn = 1. Let us denote slice as Mi = M ×{ti} ⊂ M × I and let Vi be the discrete vector field on each slice. After extending the discrete vector field on each slice to a discrete vector field on all of M ×I, a discrete bifurcation diagram is obtained by connecting critical cells of the slices. In”Birth and Death in Discrete MorseTheory”(King,Knudson,Mramor), a solution about finding the discrete bifurcation diagram has been ...
Discrete gradient method: Derivative-free method for nonsmooth optimization
Bagirov, A. M.; Karasözen, Bülent; Sezer, M. (2008-05-01)
A new derivative-free method is developed for solving unconstrained nonsmooth optimization problems. This method is based on the notion of a discrete gradient. It is demonstrated that the discrete gradients can be used to approximate subgradients of a broad class of nonsmooth functions. It is also shown that the discrete gradients can be applied to find descent directions of nonsmooth functions. The preliminary results of numerical experiments with unconstrained nonsmooth optimization problems as well as th...
Discrete symmetries and nonlocal reductions
GÜRSES, METİN; Pekcan, Asli; Zheltukhın, Kostyantyn (Elsevier BV, 2020-01-31)
We show that nonlocal reductions of systems of integrable nonlinear partial differential equations are the special discrete symmetry transformations.
Citation Formats
C. Geyik, “Discrete discriminant analysis and dependence,” Middle East Technical University, 1990.