Design and construction of an automated OSL reader with open source software and hardware

Bulur, Enver
An Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) reader accompanying a sample changer unit for multi sample measurements was designed and constructed so that consecutive automated luminescence measurements can be performed. The reader was realized using open source software and hardware to minimize the development costs. The core control system of the reader is an open source single-board microcontroller (Arduino DUE). The control of sample positioning mechanism, stimulation system, precise timing and photon counting are accomplished using entirely this board. A user friendly measurement control software was written in an open-source programming language (Python) so that it can be run on any platform. The stimulation system utilizes a high power light emitting diode in the visible region and was designed to enable the commonly used stimulation modes known as continuous wave and linearly modulated OSL. The system went through operation testing with materials commonly used for dosimetry and dating studies and showed that it is precise for luminescence measurement.


Design and construction of an automated OSL Reader with open source software and hardware
Maraba, Diren; Bulur, Enver (null; 2016-07-08)
An Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) reader accompanying a sample changer unit for multi-sample measurements was designed and constructed so that consecutive automated luminescence measurements can be performed. The reader was realized using open source software and hardware to minimize the development costs. The core control system of the reader is an open source single-board microcontroller (Arduino DUE). The control of sample positioning mechanism, stimulation system, precise timing and photon coun...
Use of the LM-OSL technique for the detection of partial bleaching in quartz
Agersnap Larsen, N.; Bulur, Enver; Bøtter-Jensen, L.; McKeever, S.W.S. (2000-12-15)
We present a study of the sensitivity to light (ease-of-bleaching) of the trapped charge in sedimentary quartz grains using an optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) technique in which the intensity of the stimulation light is linearly increased during the measurement period. The technique is known as linear modulation OSL (LM-OSL). In controlled laboratory conditions, this technique has been employed to study the ease-of-bleaching of the trapped charge in quartz by comparing the OSL curves of quartz aliqu...
Design and implementation of an open-source optically stimulated luminescence measurement system
Maraba, Diren; Bulur, Enver; Department of Physics (2017)
Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) is the light emission from an irradiated solid (insulator or a wide band gap semiconductor) upon illumination with light of suitable wavelength. Although the phenomenon has been known for a long time, OSL has emerged as a practically applicable dosimetry technique in the past two decades. Recently introduced materials like alumina and beryllia have found use in the field of radiation dosimetry. The purpose of this study is to design and construct a simple multi-sample...
Simple transformation for converting CW-OSL curves to LM-OSL curves
Bulur, Enver (2000-01-01)
A simple mathematical transformation is introduced to convert from OSL decay curves obtained in the conventional way to those obtained using a linear modulation technique based on a linear increase of the stimulation light intensity during OSL measurement. The validity of the transformation was tested by the IR-stimulated luminescence curves from feldspars, recorded using both the conventional and the linear modulation techniques. The transformation was further applied to green-light-stimulated OSL from K a...
Advances in luminescence instrument systems
Bøtter-Jensen, L.; Bulur, Enver; Duller, G.A.T.; Murray, A.S. (2000-12-15)
We report on recent advances in the development of luminescence measurement systems and techniques at Riso. These include: (1) optical stimulation units based on new-generation powerful blue light (470 nm) emitting diodes providing up to 28 mW/cm(2) for OSL measurements; (2) an infrared (830 nm) laser diode unit providing up to 400 mW/cm(2) for stimulation of feldspars; and finally (3) an optical stimulation attachment based on a focused solid stale green (532 nm) laser for rapid OSL measurements of individ...
Citation Formats
D. MARABA and E. Bulur, “Design and construction of an automated OSL reader with open source software and hardware,” RADIATION MEASUREMENTS, pp. 632–637, 2017, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: