Improving achievement through problem-based learning

In this study, the effect of problem-based learning on students' academic achievement and performance skills in a unit on the human excretory system was investigated. Sixty-one 10th grade students, from two full classes instructed by the same biology teacher, were involved in the study. Classes were randomly assigned as either the experimental or the control group and were pre- and post-tested to determine their academic achievement and performance skills before and after the treatment. The experimental group was taught with problem-based learning while the control group received traditionally-designed biology instruction. Results showed that although there was no pre-existing difference between two groups, students instructed with problem-based learning earned significantly higher scores than those instructed with traditionally-designed biology instruction-in terms of academic achievement and performance skills. Students in the experimental group appeared to be more proficient in the use and organisation of relevant information, in constructing knowledge and moving toward better conclusions.


Enhancing learning through multiple intelligences
Özdemir, Pınar; Güneysu, Sibel Çiğdem; Öztekin, Ceren (Informa UK Limited, 2006-03-01)
This study investigated whether there was a significant difference between multiple intelligence instruction (MII) and traditionally designed science instruction (TDSI) on fourth grade students' understanding of concepts associated with the 'Diversity of Living Things' unit. Students' intelligence types were also examined. There were two randomly-selected classes of 35 students of between 9 and 10 years old. The experimental group was instructed through Multiple Intelligence strategies while the control gro...
Using the conceptual change instruction to improve learning
Alparslan, C; Öztekin, Ceren; Geban, Ömer (Informa UK Limited, 2003-06-01)
This study investigated the effect of conceptual change instruction on Grade 11 students' (aged 16 - 17 years) understanding of respiration. To first determine students' misconceptions, ten Grade 11 students were interviewed and data obtained from these interviews and related literature was used to develop the Respiration Concept Test used in the next stage of the research. The test was administered to a total of 68 Grade 11 students in two classes of an urban high school. The experimental group consisted o...
The effect of explicit embedded reflective instruction on nature of science understandings in advanced science students
Koksal, Mustafa Serdar; Çakıroğlu, Jale; Geban, Ömer (Informa UK Limited, 2013-12-01)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of explicit-embedded-reflective (EER) instruction in nature of science (NOS) understandings of ninth-grade advanced science students. This study was conducted with 71 students, who were divided into three groups, by using non-equivalent quasi-experimental design. In the treatment groups, the EER teaching was conducted, while in the comparison group NOS instruction was carried out in the same time interval by lecturing, demonstration and questioni...
Novice and experienced science teachers’ conceptual knowledge of evolutionary theory within the context of micro-and macroevolution
Yesilyurt, Ezgi; Öztekin, Ceren; Çakıroğlu, Jale; Deniz, Hasan (Informa UK Limited, 2019-01-01)
The purpose of this study was to explore science teachers' conceptions about micro-and macro-evolutionary processes. In this study, a case study was employed to compare and contrast novice and experienced middle school science teachers' evolution conceptions. The data were collected using four micro-and macro-evolutionary scenarios alongside cognitive interviews. The findings illustrated that while the novice teacher mostly provided non-Darwinian explanations, the experienced teacher predominantly applied k...
Learners’ perceptions of a web based course : a case study
Güler, Melek; Karaaslan, Hasan; Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (2006)
This study investigated the students’ perceptions about a web based course. Their perceptions about course materials, level of communication, online course support, and satisfaction were discussed in this study. In this case study, Information Technology in Education II (CEIT 112), an undergraduate course at the department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT), Middle East Technical University (METU) at 2004/2005 spring semester was taken into investigation. Totally 34 1st year CEIT stud...
Citation Formats
S. Sungur, C. Öztekin, and Ö. Geban, “Improving achievement through problem-based learning,” JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL EDUCATION, pp. 155–160, 2006, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: