Late Cretaceous to Recent kinematics of SE Anatolia (Turkey)

Kaymakcı, Nuretdin
Ertepinar, P.
Five different deformation phases have been recognized in the SE Anatolian orogen and the Arabian Platform based on palaeostress inversion studies using fault-slip data sets. The timing and duration of these phases are determined using various criteria including the age of the affected strata, syndepositional structures, cross-cutting structures and overprinting slickensides. The oldest deformation phase is characterized generally by NE-SW-directed extension. The extension is thought to have resulted from slab-roll back processes during the Maastrichtian to Middle Eocene interval (c. 60 Ma to 40-35 Ma). The second deformation phase is characterized by east-west to NW-SE-directed compression and thought to result from cessation of roll-back processes possibly due to subduction of younger oceanic crust or increase in the convergence rate between Africa and Eurasia during the post-Middle Eocene to Late Oligocene interval (c. 40-35 Ma to 25 Ma). The third deformation phase is characterized by east-west to NW-SE-directed extension possibly due to slab detachment that initiated in Iran and migrated westwards during the latest Oligocene to Middle Miocene period (25-11 Ma). The fourth deformation phase is characterized by approximately north-south-directed compression due to collision and further northwards indentation of Arabian Plate by the end of Middle Miocene (11-3.5 Ma). The fifth and present deformation phase is characterized by NE-SW compression which might result from tectonic re-organization in the region since the Middle Pliocene (c. 3.5 Ma to recent).


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Advokaat, Eldert L.; van Hinsbergen, Douwe J. J.; Kaymakcı, Nuretdin; Vissers, Reinoud L. M.; Hendriks, Bart W. H. (2014-11-18)
The configuration and evolution of subduction zones in the Eastern Mediterranean region in Cretaceous time accommodating Africa-Europe convergence remain poorly quantitatively reconstructed, owing to a lack of kinematic constraints. A recent palaeomagnetic study suggested that the triangular Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex (CACC) consists of three blocks that once formed an similar to N-S elongated continental body, underthrusted below ophiolites in Late Cretaceous time. After extensional exhumation a...
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The Tauride fold-thrusts belt formed during similar to S-N convergence between Africa and Eurasia since Cretaceous time. The western end of the central Taurides strike NW-SE, highly obliquely to the overall convergence direction, and connect to the NE-SW Beydaglan-Lycian Nappe flank of the western Taurides, forming the so-called 'Isparta Angle'. In Neogene time, the western and central Taurides and the inner part of the Isparta Angle became overlain by Neogene sedimentary basins including Manavgat, Koprucay...
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Late Permian fluvio-lacustrine successions of the Cakraz Formation in the Zonguldak Terrane between the regions of Akcakoca and Ereli were investigated in order to describe the litho- and biostratigraphic properties and explain the depositional environment. The studied succession with black, dark-grey to greenish-grey shales, siltstones and limestones is named the Alapl Member to distinguish it from the classical red clastic successions, which are tentatively named the Ereli Member of the Cakraz Formation. ...
Citation Formats
N. Kaymakcı, P. Ertepinar, and A. KOÇ, “Late Cretaceous to Recent kinematics of SE Anatolia (Turkey),” SEDIMENTARY BASIN TECTONICS FROM THE BLACK SEA AND CAUCASUS TO THE ARABIAN PLATFORM, pp. 409–435, 2010, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: