Silent enhancement of SERS signa without increasing hot spot intensities

Postaci, Selen
Yildiz, Bilge Can
Bek, Alpan
Plasmonic nanostructures enhance nonlinear response, such as surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), by localizing the incident field into hot spots. The localized hot spot field can be enhanced even further when linear Fano resonances take place in a double resonance scheme. However, hot spot enhancement is limited with the modification of the vibrational modes, the breakdown of the molecule, and the tunneling regime. Here, we present a method which can circumvent these limitations. Our analytical model and solutions of 3D Maxwell equations show that: enhancement due to the localized field can be multiplied by a factor of 10(2)-10(3). Moreover, this can be performed without increasing the hot spot intensity which also avoids the modification of the Raman modes. Unlike linear Fano resonances, here, we create a path interference in the nonlinear response. We demonstrate on a single equation that enhancement takes place due to cancellation of the contributing terms in the denominator of the SERS response. Our method can be implemented on an atomic force microscope tip, decorated (or "contaminated") with appropriate quantum emitters.


Controlling steady-state second harmonic signal via linear and nonlinear Fano resonances
Guenay, Mehmet; Artvin, Zafer; Bek, Alpan; TAŞGIN, MEHMET EMRE (2020-01-02)
Nonlinear signal even from a single molecule becomes visible at hot spots of plasmonic nanoparticles. In these structures, Fano resonances can control the nonlinear response in two ways. (i) A linear Fano resonance can enhance the hot spot field, resulting enhanced nonlinear signal. (ii) A nonlinear Fano resonance can enhance the nonlinear signal without enhancing the hot spot. In this study, we compare the enhancement of second harmonic signal at the steady-state obtained via these two methods. Since we ar...
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A micromechanical switchable hot spot for SERS applications
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Hot spots are defined as nanostructures of noble metal able to locally enhance the electromagnetic field of several orders of magnitude and to confine this effect to a region for several orders of magnitude smaller than the light wavelength. Hot spots are particularly important for the surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy applications, in which the field enhancement is used to amplify the usually weak Raman scattering signal. The hot spots are mostly generated between two or more plasmonic nanostructures sep...
Citation Formats
S. Postaci, B. C. Yildiz, A. Bek, and M. E. TAŞGIN, “Silent enhancement of SERS signa without increasing hot spot intensities,” NANOPHOTONICS, pp. 1687–1695, 2018, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: