Multi-baseline stereo correction for silhouette-based 3D model reconstruction from multiple images

Silhouette based reconstruction algorithm is simple and robust for 3D volume estimation of an object. However? it has two main drawbacks: insufficient number of viewing positions and the inability to detect concavity regions. Starting from an initial convex hull of the object to be modeled which is generated by a silhouette based reconstruction, an algorithm based on photoconsistency is described. The algorithm basically carves the excess volume elements using the multi-baseline stereo information. Result of the described algorithm is demostrated on a sythesized object in an artificial environment.


Extraction of 3D transform and scale invariant patches from range scans
Akagunduz, Erdern; Ulusoy, İlkay (2007-06-22)
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Citation Formats
A. Mulayim and M. V. Atalay, “Multi-baseline stereo correction for silhouette-based 3D model reconstruction from multiple images,” 2001, vol. 4298, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: