Scheduling system for repetitive unit construction using line-of-balance technology

Arditi, David
Tokdemir, Onur Behzat
Suh, Kangsuk
Although line-of-balance (LOB) scheduling can be superior to bar charts and networks in repetitive-unit construction, there are indications that its use is not widespread. In this study, the major limitations of the existing LOB methodology are identified and then eliminated by developing a computer program called repetitive unit scheduling system (RUSS). An effective algorithm that facilitates the implementation of LOB scheduling is developed. A tool that handles logical and strategic limitations caused by the particular characteristics of repetitive activities is provided. A learning model is developed and incorporated into LOB calculations. The program is designed to optimize resource allocation by using multiples of the natural rhythm of activities. An optimum crew size that guarantees maximum productivity in an activity is used throughout the LOB calculations to achieve cost-optimized schedules. Non-linear and discrete activities are incorporated into the LOB calculations. RUSS displays the LOB diagram of every individual path in the unit network. It is believed that a system such as RUSS will make the LOB method more appealing to contractors of repetitive projects.
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management


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Citation Formats
D. Arditi, O. B. Tokdemir, and K. Suh, “Scheduling system for repetitive unit construction using line-of-balance technology,” Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, pp. 90–103, 2001, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: