The nationalist movement in Tatarstan : the post Soviet Era

Hacaloğlu, Terken


The reform movement in Iran: discourse and deeds
Hızır, Agah; Altunışık, Meliha; Department of Eurasian Studies (2006)
The objective of this thesis is to analyze the Khatami Period of 1997-2005 in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Reform Movement that brought Khatami to the presidency and the grounds of the incongruity between the discourse and the outcomes of the movement is examined. The reasons of this incongruity are the focus of this study. The structure of the thesis is as follows: In the first chapter, a brief summary of the history of democracy in Iran is examined, since in Iran without a historical perspective, it ...
The solidarity movement in Poland
Akçalı, Pınar; Acar, Feride; Department of Public Administration (1991)
The Beginnings of trade unionism in Turkey the period: 1946-1963
Ünalan, Ferhat; Kalaycıoğlu, H. Sibel; Department of Sociology (1998)
The Development of Islamic Institutions in the Post Soviet Era
Köksal, Pınar (null; 1992-05-02)
The emancipation of women in Stalinist Central Asia
Erdal, Şule; Güneş Ayata, Ayşe; Department of Eurasian Studies (2011)
This thesis mainly deals with the issue that if the policies of women's emancipation implemented in Stalinist Central Asia were constructed on the basis of Marxist ideology. For this purpose, after how the issue of women‟s emancipation is conceptualized in classical Marxism, the existing political, economic, sociocultural structures as well as the gender relations in the region before the confrontation between the Central Asians and Soviet Russians and the policies of women‟s emancipation implemented in the...
Citation Formats
T. Hacaloğlu, “The nationalist movement in Tatarstan : the post Soviet Era,” Middle East Technical University, 2000.