The use of monetary policy instruments by the European Central Bank in the third stage of economic and monetary union

Gürler, Alper


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The use of expert systems is a break-through in solving problems which require complex decision-making based on the past experience of an expert human being rather than relying on sequential algorithms which include simple combination of logical rules and calculations. Expert system building tools are programming systems developed to facilitate the construction of expert systems in a particular domain with less effort and in a relatively shorter time. Expert system building tools are now moving from Lisp ma...
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This thesis analyses the role of the European Court of Justice in the process of European integration. The role of the Court of Justice as an important supranational institution is discussed by taking into account various decisions of the Court that established the fundamental principles of the European Union Law. The thesis also analyses the contribution of the Court from the perspective of its interactions with the other actors within the EU. In this framework, the thesis will seek to answer such question...
Citation Formats
A. Gürler, “The use of monetary policy instruments by the European Central Bank in the third stage of economic and monetary union,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2000.