Sleep spindles detection using autoregressive modeling

Halıcı, Uğur
Leblebicioğlu, Mehmet Kemal
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Being one of the well-defined and functional rhythmic activities observed in sleep EEG, sleep spindles are significant for brain research. Visual detection of sleep spindles is very time consuming and subjective. In this study, automated spindle detection by using AR modeling for feature extraction is proposed. Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are used as classifiers for comparison. Performances were found as 93.6% for the MLP and 94.4% for the SVM classifiers.


Sleep spindles detecton using short time fourier transform and neural networks
Gorur, Dilan; Halıcı, Uğur; Aydın, Hamdullah; Ongun, Güçlü; Özgen, Fuat; Leblebicioğlu, Mehmet Kemal (2002-05-17)
Sleep spindles are a hallmark of the stage 2 sleep. Their distribution over the non-REM sleep is clinically important. In this paper, a method that detects the sleep spindles in sleep EEG is proposed. Short time Fourier transform is used for feature extraction. Both multilayer perceptron and Support Vector Machine are utilized in detection of the spindles in sleep EEG for comparison. The classification performance of MLP is found to be 88.7% and that of SVM as 95.4%. It should be noted that there might be d...
Sleep spindles detection using short time Fourier transform and neural networks
Gorur, Dilan; Halıcı, Uğur; Aydin, Hamdullah; Ongun, Guclu; Ozgen, Fuat; Leblebicioglu, Kemal (2002-01-01)
Sleep spindles are a hallmark of the stage 2 sleep. Their distribution over the non-REM sleep is clinically important. In this paper, a method that detects the sleep spindles in sleep EEG is proposed. Short time Fourier Transform is used for feature extraction. Both multilayer perceptron and Support Vector Machine are utilized in detection of the spindles in sleep EEG for comparison. The classification performance of MLP is found to be 88.7% and that of SVM as 95.4%. It should be noted that there might be d...
Automated detection of sleep spindles
Görür, Dilan; Gençer, Nevzat G.; Halıcı, Uğur; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2003)
Sleep spindles are one of the rhythmic activities observed in sleep electroencephalogram (EEG). As they are well defined and functional, sleep spindle analysis is significant for brain research. Identifying the characteristics of sleep spindles may lead to an understanding of the functions of sleep. Furthermore, understanding the sleep spindle generation mechanisms can explain the other rhythmical activity occurring in other brain regions. The detection process of the sleep spindle data of a whole night sle...
Sleep stage classification based on filter bank optimization
ORAL, EMİN ARGUN; Çodur, Muhammet Mustafa; ÖZBEK, İBRAHİM YÜCEL (2017-12-01)
Sleep stage binary classification is studied using single channel EEG signals. The proposed approach is composed of two steps. In the first step, cepstrum coefficients based features are obtained from EEC signals using a filter bank approach which is tuned for sleep stage classification in terms of number of filters and their type. In the second step, these features are used with support vector machine approach for classification. It is observed that obtained results are comparable with the published result...
Aktaş Dinçer, Hayriye; Gökçay, Didem (The Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 2019-01-01)
Introduction: Interval timing requires cognitive resources such as attention, longterm memory, and working memory. Unfortunately, these functions deteriorate with aging. Changes in time perception are reported in healthy aging, in addition to several different neuropsychiatric disorders. Although age-related changes in time perception have been amply described in the literature, the actual underlying mechanisms remain controversial. Materials and Method: This study included a total of 33 young (mean age = 2...
Citation Formats
D. GORUR, U. Halıcı, H. AYDIN, O. GUCLU, F. ÖZGEN, and M. K. Leblebicioğlu, “Sleep spindles detection using autoregressive modeling,” 2003, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: