Corporate approaches to sport sponsorship in Turkey.

Karakılıç, Mehmet


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Tekcan, İsmail Berat; Kestel, A. Sevtap.; Department of Financial Mathematics (2019)
For many years, forecasting the sales has been thought as a significant fundamental for the companies that operate in fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector. Companies that are successful in predicting their sales, also have the strength to manage company’s financials. Also, companies have the chance to react to tough situations that they might face. In the academic literature, there exist many studies about forecasting the future of sales. However, there are limited studies about how the companies foreca...
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Arpacı, İbrahim; Demirörs, Onur; Department of Information Systems (2013)
The purpose of this study is to identify the key adoption factors for mobile communication technologies, specifically smartphones, at private sector organizations. We have proposed a comprehensive research model based on the Diffusion of Innovation theory, Institutional theory, and Technology-Organization-Environment framework. Sequential explanatory design mixed method research strategy, which incorporates quantitative and qualitative approaches was used in this research. A Structural Equation Model was us...
ORganizational adoption of mobile communication technologies
Arpaci, Ibrahim; Yardimci, Yasemin; Özkan Yıldırım, Sevgi; Türetken, Özgür (null; 2012-01-01)
This study aims to identify important adoption factors for mobile communication technologies in private sector organizations. Grounded in the Diffusion of Innovation Theory, Porter's Competitive Forces Model and the Technology-Organization-Environment Framework, we develop an integrated model to study the determinants of organizational adoption of mobile communication technologies. Data will be collected from middle and senior managers using a mixed-method approach. Identification of the organizational adop...
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Özelçi, Tanyel; Eraydın, Ayda; Department of City and Regional Planning (2002)
Physical social and economic carrying capacity concepts in tourism planning for environmentally sustained development
Postacıoğlu, Dilek; Eraydın, Ayda; Department of Regional Planning (1991)
Citation Formats
M. Karakılıç, “Corporate approaches to sport sponsorship in Turkey.,” Middle East Technical University, 2000.