Generational Accounting in Turkey

Generational Accounting, developed by Auerbach, Gokhale and Kotlikoff (1991), is an alternative and dynamic method employed in measuring the impact of existing fiscal policies on current and future generations. In contrast to the traditional and static measures of fiscal sustainability, the Generational Accounting method reveals the intergenerational distribution of tax burden and helps identify the policies that can alleviate the generational imbalance. This paper constructs and presents the first set of generational accounts for Turkey in an attempt to measure the generational gap and compare the Turkish intergenerational fiscal outlook with a number of developed and developing countries. Findings in the paper suggest that a 24.3% fiscal imbalance will be to the detriment of future generations in Turkey. Several hypothetical policy experiments have been implemented in the paper to correct the generational balance in Turkey.
Boğaziçi Journal


Generational Accounting in Turkey
Hacıibrahimoğlu, Damla; Derin Güre, Pınar; Department of Economics (2012)
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In this paper, the linkages between financial development and economic growth in developed, developing and less developed countries are investigated using unbalanced panel cointegration and causality analysis in the period of 1980 – 2011. The results of the Pedroni cointegration analysis show the existence of cointegration relations between financial development and economic growth for whole country groups, but Kao cointegration analysis indicates the long – run relationship between the related variables fo...
Citation Formats
P. Derin Güre, “Generational Accounting in Turkey,” Boğaziçi Journal, pp. 1–26, 2015, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: