Value of supplier's capacity information in a two-echelon supply chain

Bakal, İsmail Serdar
In traditional supply chain models it is generally assumed that full information is available to all parties involved. Although this seems reasonable, there are cases where chain members are independent agents and possess different levels of information. In this study, we analyze a two-echelon, single supplier-multiple retailers supply chain in a single-period setting where the capacity of the supplier is limited. Embedding the lack of information about the capacity of the supplier in the model, we aim to analyze the reaction of the retailers, compare it with the full-information case, and assess the value of information and the effects of information asymmetry using game theoretic analysis. In our numerical studies, we conclude that the value of information is highly dependent on the capacity conditions and estimates of the retailers, and having information is not necessarily beneficial to the retailers.


Value of supplier's capacity information in a two-echelon supply chain
Bakal, İsmail Serdar; Güllü, Refik; Erkip, Nesim; Department of Industrial Engineering (2003)
In traditional supply chain context, it is generally assumed that full information is available for all the parties involved. Although it seems reasonable in some settings, there are also cases where chain members are independent agents and possess different levels of information. In this study, we analyze a two-echelon, single suppher-multiple retailer supply chain in a single period setting where the capacity of the supplier is limited. Embedding the information asymmetry about the capacity of the supplie...
Value of information through options contract under disruption risk
Kole, Huseyin; Bakal, İsmail Serdar (2017-01-01)
In this study, we consider the replenishment strategy of a buyer with two suppliers. Since its regular supplier is prone to disruptions, the buyer utilizes an options contract with a more expensive but perfectly reliable supply option. We introduce three models depending on the level of information available when the options from the reliable supplier are exercised: (i) Full information (both supply and demand information), (ii) partial information (only supply information), and (iii) no information. We der...
Analysis of an options contract in a dual sourcing supply chain under disruption risk
Köle, Hüseyin; Bakal, İsmail Serdar; Department of Industrial Engineering (2012)
In this study, value of demand information and the importance of option contracts are investigated for a supply chain consisting of a buyer and two suppliers in a single period setting. One supplier is cheap but prone to disruptions whereas the other one is perfectly reliable but expensive. At the beginning of the period, buyer orders from the unreliable supplier and reserves from the reliable supplier through a contract that gives buyer an option to use reserved units after getting disruption information o...
Expected Value of Partial Perfect Information in Hybrid Models Using Dynamic Discretization
Yet, Barbaros; Fenton, Norman; Neil, Martin (2018-01-01)
In decision theory models, expected value of partial perfect information (EVPPI) is an important analysis technique that is used to identify the value of acquiring further information on individual variables. EVPPI can be used to prioritize the parts of a model that should be improved or identify the parts where acquiring additional data or expert knowledge is most beneficial. Calculating EVPPI of continuous variables is challenging, and several sampling and approximation techniques have been proposed. This...
Optimal production and inventory policies of priority and price-differentiated customers
Duran, Serhan; SİMCHİ-LEVİ, David; Swann, Julie L. (2007-01-01)
Many firms are exploring production and supply chain strategies when customers may be segmented into different classes based on service level or priority. Such segmentation can result in a more efficient production system as well as a better match between supply and demand. In this research, we analyze a system with customer classes 1 and 2, where customer class 1 has a higher priority of fulfillment than customer class 2 in the same period. We develop an optimal production and inventory strategy that ratio...
Citation Formats
İ. S. Bakal and A. R. GÜLLÜ, “Value of supplier’s capacity information in a two-echelon supply chain,” ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH, pp. 115–135, 2011, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: