Value of supplier's capacity information in a two-echelon supply chain

Bakal, İsmail Serdar
In traditional supply chain context, it is generally assumed that full information is available for all the parties involved. Although it seems reasonable in some settings, there are also cases where chain members are independent agents and possess different levels of information. In this study, we analyze a two-echelon, single suppher-multiple retailer supply chain in a single period setting where the capacity of the supplier is limited. Embedding the information asymmetry about the capacity of the supplier in the model, we aim to analyze the reaction of the retailers, compare it with the full information case and assess the value of information using game theoretic analysis. In our numerical studies, we explore effect of different parameters on the value of information.


Value of supplier's capacity information in a two-echelon supply chain
Bakal, İsmail Serdar; GÜLLÜ, AHMET REFİK (2011-11-01)
In traditional supply chain models it is generally assumed that full information is available to all parties involved. Although this seems reasonable, there are cases where chain members are independent agents and possess different levels of information. In this study, we analyze a two-echelon, single supplier-multiple retailers supply chain in a single-period setting where the capacity of the supplier is limited. Embedding the lack of information about the capacity of the supplier in the model, we aim to a...
Value of information through options contract under disruption risk
Kole, Huseyin; Bakal, İsmail Serdar (2017-01-01)
In this study, we consider the replenishment strategy of a buyer with two suppliers. Since its regular supplier is prone to disruptions, the buyer utilizes an options contract with a more expensive but perfectly reliable supply option. We introduce three models depending on the level of information available when the options from the reliable supplier are exercised: (i) Full information (both supply and demand information), (ii) partial information (only supply information), and (iii) no information. We der...
Capacity planning and range setting quantity flexibility contracts as a manufacturer
Pesen, Şafak; Kayalıgil, Sinan; Department of Industrial Engineering (2003)
Quantity Flexibility contract is an arrangement where parties agree upon a scheme of forming ranges on volumes for their future transactions. The contract is based on setting upper and lower limits on replenishment orders as simple multiples of point estimates updated, published and committed by the buyers. We introduce a manufacturer with a limited capacity; also capable of subcontracting, for deliveries with a known lead time. He offers a Quantity Flexibility (QF) contract to a buyer while he has an activ...
The Impact of supply base complexity on firm performance
Memiş, Huriye; Akın Ateş, Melek.; Department of Business Administration (2019)
Supply chain complexity has become a significant concern of the companies especially in the past decade. As a response to this, there have been several studies examining supply chain complexity and performance implications. However, studies focusing on upstream supply chain complexity is rather scant. Sources of supply base complexity and their impacts on firm performance is still under-investigated. The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of supply base complexity on firm performance. Supply ...
Joint quantity flexibility for multiple products in a decentralized supply chain
Karakaya, Selcuk; Bakal, İsmail Serdar (2013-02-01)
In this study, we analyze a decentralized supply chain with a single retailer and a single manufacturer where the retailer sells multiple products in a single period. The products differ in terms of a limited number of features only. The retailer places initial orders based on preliminary demand forecasts at the beginning of the period and has an opportunity to modify its initial order after receiving perfect demand information. However, the final orders of the retailer are constrained by its initial orders...
Citation Formats
İ. S. Bakal, “Value of supplier’s capacity information in a two-echelon supply chain,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2003.