Environmental effects on the geometric phase

Turgut, Sadi
The behavior of the geometric phase gained by a single spin-1/2 nucleus immersed into a thermal or a squeezed environment is investigated. Both the time dependence of the phase and its value at infinity are examined against several physical parameters. It is observed that for some intermediate ranges of the temperature and the coupling strength, the presence of squeezing enhances the geometric phase.


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An attempt is made to develop an analytical model for the prediction of thermal loading into a partially plastic state and unloading into an elastic state of a cylinder subjected to periodic boundary condition. The uncoupled theory of thermoelasticity is used as the cylinder is heated or cooled slowly. Transient temperature distribution in the cylinder is obtained by the use of Duhamel's theorem. It is assumed that the ends of the cylinder are free and hence a state of generalized plane strain is operative ...
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Significance of the Lorentzian dispersion relationship in controlling the optical response of the nanospheres surrounded by a homogeneous non-absorbing dielectric medium is examined. Nanospheres with size much smaller than the wavelength of the incident light are considered as prototype systems that can cover the generic optical response of Lorentzian nanoparticles. Absorption cross-section of the Lorentzian nanospheres is treated in the quasistatic approximation of classical electrodynamics and the resulti...
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Dependent light scattering and absorption patterns of metallic nano-sized particles in interaction with other spherical and cone-like structures were investigated. The numerical solution of the light scattering problem was obtained using DDSCAT7.0 code. The surface integration of the Poynting vector is performed to estimate the spectral absorption by individual particles. Parametric studies were conducted to examine the effects of different parameters, including the geometry, size, shape and the position of...
Critical behavior of the spontaneous polarization and the dielectric susceptibility close to the cubic-tetragonal transition in BaTiO3
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Using Landau mean field model, the spontaneous polarization and the dielectric susceptibility are analyzed as functions of temperature and pressure close to the cubic-tetragonal (ferroelectric-paraelectric) transition in BaTiO3. From the analysis of the dielectric susceptibility and the spontaneous polarization, the critical exponents are deduced in the classical and quantum limits for BaTiO3. From the critical behavior of the dielectric susceptibility, the spontaneous polarization can be described for the ...
Citation Formats
A. C. GÜNHAN, S. Turgut, and N. K. PAK, “Environmental effects on the geometric phase,” EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D, pp. 155–162, 2011, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/41260.