Donmezer, Fatma Nazli
Okutucu Özyurt, Hanife Tuba
Dependent light scattering and absorption patterns of metallic nano-sized particles in interaction with other spherical and cone-like structures were investigated. The numerical solution of the light scattering problem was obtained using DDSCAT7.0 code. The surface integration of the Poynting vector is performed to estimate the spectral absorption by individual particles. Parametric studies were conducted to examine the effects of different parameters, including the geometry, size, shape and the position of the particles, the wavelength, polarization and the direction of the incident light. It was observed that the proximity of particles contribute most to the intricate scattering and absorption patterns. The formulation provided on dependent light absorption and scattering may be used for diagnosis purposes and to improve the AFM based nano-manufacturing.


Thermal contact conductance of nominaly flat surfaces
Yüncü, Hafit (2006-11-01)
The variation of thermal conductance of contact has been investigated as a function of apparent contact pressure experimentally. Experimental data has been obtained for steel, brass, copper and aluminum test pieces having different surface roughness over a wide range of contact pressures. Experimental results are compared with the theoretical predictions of an existing theory. Comparison revealed good agreement of trend with the experimental data, however, numerical values vary widely. Theory can predict th...
Transient dynamic response of viscoelastic cylinders enclosed in filament wound cylindrical composites
Şen, Özge; Turhan, Doğan; Department of Engineering Sciences (2005)
In this study, transient dynamic response of viscoelastic cylinders enclosed in filament wound cylindrical composites is investigated. Thermal effects, in addition to mechanical effects, are taken into consideration. A generalized thermoelasticity theory which incorporates the temperature rate among the constitutive variables and is referred to as temperature-rate dependent thermoelasticity theory is employed. This theory predicts finite heat propagation speeds. The body considered in this thesis consists o...
Laminar filmwise condensation of flowing vapor on a sphere
Erol, Doğuş; Yamalı, Cemil; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2004)
The objective of this study is to analyze theoretically the laminar film condensation of water vapor flowing on a sphere. For this purpose, the problem was handled by including all of the two-phase boundary layer parameters such as gravity, effect of vapor shear, inertia, energy convection and pressure gradient. For this full two-phase boundary layer system, the boundary layer equations, boundary conditions and the interfacial conditions were first analyzed, and then discretized. A computer program in Mathc...
Fully Coupled Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics-Finite Element Method Approach for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems With Large Deflections
Dincer, A. Ersin; Demir, Abdullah; Bozkuş, Zafer; Tijsseling, Arris S. (ASME International, 2019-08-01)
In this study, a combination of the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and finite element method (FEM) solving the complex problem of interaction between fluid with free surface and an elastic structure is studied. A brief description of SPH and FEM is presented. Contact mechanics is used for the coupling between fluid and structure, which are simulated with SPH and FEM, respectively. In the proposed method, to couple meshfree and mesh-based methods, fluid and structure are solved together by a complete ...
Citation Formats
F. N. Donmezer, M. P. MENGÜÇ, and H. T. Okutucu Özyurt, “DEPENDENT ABSORPTION AND SCATTERING BY INTERACTING NANOPARTICLES,” 2010, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: