Signs of unparticles at compact linear collider

Dinç, Cemal
These are exciting times for particle physics since there has been tremendous advances recently. The most of all is the discovery of the long-sought Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in CERN. Even though this achievement completes the last missing piece of the Standard Model, the LHC would be far from to deliver its promises such as finding signs of physics beyond the Standard Model (also known as new physics) like low scale supersymmetry, extra dimensions etc. Unfortunately none of these hopes become a reality yet and expectations are not high. Therefore, studying other alternative new physics scenarios becomes important more than ever. One of such scenarios is known as unparticles. The idea is about a decade old and it is based on a scale invariant theory interacting with the Standard Model through effective field theory. The resulting theory reveal stuff that cannot be interpreted as particles which is why the notion of unparticle has been introduced. First the idea of conformal symmetry will be discussed in some detail. Then after a brief description of the effective field theory in general, the idea of unparticles will be presented with more emphasis on the scalar version of unparticles. It will be assumed that unparticles decay within the detector so that only their virtual effects to various signals at the Compact Linear Collider. For that purpose, the model is implemented in computational software Madgraph so that a signal analysis is carried out with the help of the software MadAnalysis. A comparison with the Standard Model is done. effective field theory, conformal invariance, unparticles, multiphoton signals, Compact Linear Collider (CLIC)


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Citation Formats
C. Dinç, “Signs of unparticles at compact linear collider,” Thesis (M.S.) -- Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Physics., Middle East Technical University, 2019.