Decentralized secure multiparty computation

Taşcı, Buse
Advances in blockchain technology have led to new applications that aim to eliminate central systems, to improve transparency and user control in transactions whiledealing with the privacy and security challenges. In this thesis, a system which enables users to control their private data and to share chosen data to other parties usingsecure computation techniques is reviewed. Then, we present a blockchain-based digital identity system depending on this architecture. This system ensures that identity information is shared and transmitted confidentially in accordance with their own consent.


A Fully decentralized framework for securely sharing digital content
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Blockchain is a disruptive technology with the potential to have a significant impact on business models and industries, similar to the adoption of Internet. Blockchain promotes distributed, open, inclusive, immutable, and secure architectural approaches, instead of centralized, hidden, exclusive, and alterable alternatives. The adoption of blockchain in the healthcare domain offers promising solutions for securing communications among stakeholders, efficient delivery of clinical reports, and integrating va...
Distributed Content Based Video Identification in Peer-to-Peer Networks: Requirements and Solutions
Koz, Alper; Lagendijk, R. (Inald) L. (2017-03-01)
In this paper, we first discuss the essential requirements for a fingerprint (perceptual hash)-based distributed video identification system in peer-to-peer (P2P) networks in comparison with traditional central database implementations of fingerprints. This discussion reveals that first, fingerprint sizes of existing video fingerprint methods are not compatible with the cache sizes of current P2P clients; second, fingerprint extraction durations during a query are not at tolerable levels for a user in the n...
Citation Formats
B. Taşcı, “Decentralized secure multiparty computation,” Thesis (M.S.) -- Graduate School of Applied Mathematics. Cryptography., Middle East Technical University, 2019.