Results on characterizations of plateaued functions in arbitrary characteristic

Mesnager, Sihem
Özbudak, Ferruh
Sınak, Ahmet
Bent and plateaued functions play a significant role in cryptography since they can have various desirable cryptographic properties. In this work, we first provide the characterizations of plateaued functions in terms of the moments of their Walsh transforms. Next, we generalize the characterizations of Boolean bent and plateaued functions in terms of their second-order derivatives to arbitrary characteristic. Moreover, we present a new characterization of plateaued functions in terms of fourth power moments of their Walsh transforms. Furthermore, we give a new proof of the characterization of vectorial bent functions. Finally, we present the characterizations of vectorial s-plateaued functions in terms of moments of their Walsh transforms and the zeros of their second-order derivatives.


Some characterizations of generalized s-plateaued functions
Çelik, Emircan; Özbudak, Ferruh; Department of Cryptography (2017)
Plateaued functions play important role in cryptography because of their various desirable cryptographic features. Due to this characteristics they have been widely studied in the literature. This studies include p-ary functions and some generalizations of the boolean functions. In this thesis, we present some of this important work and show that plateaued functions can be generalized much more general framework naturally. Characterizations of generalized plateaued functions using Walsh power moments are al...
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On constructions and enumeration of bent and semi-bent functions
Koçak, Neşe; Doğanaksoy, Ali; Saygı, Zülfükar; Department of Cryptography (2015)
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A new approach to mathematical water quality modeling in reservoirs: Neural networks
Karul, C; Soyupak, S; Germen, E (1998-01-01)
Neural Networks are becoming more and more valuable tools for system modeling and function approximation as computing power of microcomputers increase. Modeling of complex ecological systems such as reservoir limnology is very difficult since the ecological interactions within a reservoir are difficult to define mathematically and are usually system specific. To illustrate the potential use of Neural Networks in ecological modeling, a software was developed to train the data from Keban Dam Reservoir by back...
Characterizations of Partially Bent and Plateaued Functions over Finite Fields
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Partially bent and plateaued functions over finite fields have significant applications in cryptography, sequence theory, coding theory, design theory and combinatorics. They have been extensively studied due to their various desirable cryptographic properties. In this paper, we study on characterizations of partially bent and plateaued functions over finite fields, with the aim of clarifying their structure. We first redefine the notion of partially bent functions over any finite field Fq , with q a prim...
Citation Formats
S. Mesnager, F. Özbudak, and A. Sınak, “Results on characterizations of plateaued functions in arbitrary characteristic,” 2016, vol. 9540, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: