The political discourse of Nihal Atsiz

Süslü, Hazal Dila
This thesis examines the political discourse of Nihal Atsız (1905- 1975) who is a radical, racist and Turkist ideologue in Turkish nationalism. The main purpose of the thesis is to analyze whether Atsız’s discourse exhibits fascist features or not. Firstly, this thesis discusses the origins of Turkism and the general characteristics of Turkish nationalism until the 1970s in order to map Atsız’s position within Turkish nationalism. Secondly, the major themes in his discourse including race, racism, eugenics, religion, state are analyzed. Then, the ways in which the political discourse of Atsız imagines its enemies such as Communists, Jews, Kurds and Gypsies are examined. Through these analyses, this thesis arguing that his discourse is mainly based on racism and enemy images, the study concludes that it shares significant similarities with other cases of fascism.


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The Relationship between liberal intellectuals and power in the search for a new hegemony during AKP period in Turkey
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Citation Formats
H. D. Süslü, “The political discourse of Nihal Atsiz,” Thesis (M.S.) -- Graduate School of Social Sciences. Political Science and Public Administration., Middle East Technical University, 2019.