Thinking gender, nature and power: a hope for standpoint ecofeminism

Çetinkaya, Tuğçe
Ecofeminism focuses on the relation between the domination on women and natureandprovides widened critique of domination by including the analysis of anthropocentrismin feminism, which is nurtured by the analysis of sexism, capitalism, racism, ethnicityand heterosexism; therefore, it presents an imagination of freedom aimed at including nonhuman entities.It is clear that women‘s association with nature has been used as animportant means of establishing superiorityover them. Cultural ecofeminism, which has an important place in the emergence and development of ecofeminism, aims to reversethedominant system of values which inferiorizes the characteristics attributed to womensuch as care, emotion, compassion, altruismand being associated with natureto overcome the superiority assumption. Within this framework, while the characteristics attributed women and being associated with nature is positively affirmed, the idealsattributed to man and the realm of culture are either ignoredor rejected.However, this is a kind ofacceptance of the normative definition of woman which is constructed through the attribution and universalization of essenceswithout question. Moreover, it is not considered thatthe characteristicson the opposite side such as rationality, which is a key concept in the legitimation of the domination on women and nature,arereconceptualizable. This indicates both limitations of cultural ecofeminism and the importance of a different understanding of ecofeminism beyond dualism.In this thesis study, it is aimed to overcome the essentialist, universalist and generally anti-rationalist arguments of cultural ecofeminism through re-evaluation from the perspective of standpoint feminist theory.


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Citation Formats
T. Çetinkaya, “Thinking gender, nature and power: a hope for standpoint ecofeminism,” Thesis (M.S.) -- Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Gender and Women’s Studies., Middle East Technical University, 2019.