Highway maintenance techniques with emphasis on the use of asphalt emulsions.


Highway construction and planning policy and structural analysis of Turkish highway department.
Toner, İsmail; Department of Civil Engineering (1971)
Road detection by mean shift segmentation and structural analysis
Dursun, Mustafa; Halıcı, Uğur; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2012)
Road extraction from satellite or aerial images is a popular issue in remote sensing. Extracted road maps or networks can be used in various applications. Normally, maps for roads are available in geographic information systems (GIS), however these informations are not being produced automatically. Generally they are formed with the aid of human. Road extraction algorithms are trying to detect the roads from satellite or aerial images with the minimum in-teraction of human. Aim of this thesis is to analyze ...
Traffic Safety at Median Ditches: Steel vs. Concrete Barrier Performance Comparison Using Computer Simulation
Yücel, Ayhan; Atahan, Ali; Arslan, Turan; Sevim, Umur (MDPI AG, 2018-11-1)
In Turkey, concrete V-shaped ditches are formed at the median section of divided highways to provide drainage. Recent accidents show that these ditches actually present safety risks to vehicles entering the medians. Vehicles either cross over the ditch, roll over, or become trapped in the ditch, depending upon the mass, size, speed, and angle of the entering vehicle. To overcome this safety risk and reduce the severity of these accidents, longitudinal barriers are installed along these ditches. Currently, i...
Road and pipeline route optimization by discrete differential dynamic programming.
Tokalak, Oguz A; Department of Civil Engineering (1976)
Road Hazard Detection and Sharing with Multimodal Sensor Analysis on Smartphones
ORHAN, FATİH; Eren, Pekin Erhan (2013-09-27)