A Comparison of Team Performance Measures for Global Software Development Student Teams

Alpaslan, Ferda Nur
ROBERT, Brazile
GEORGE, Dafoulas
One of the most difficult tasks for global software development researchers is quantifying the performance of groups and students who participate in these distributed projects [30]. There has been much debate about which factors better correlate with team performance and which best describe a successful team. The purpose of this paper is to compare the different approaches that have been used to evaluate the performance of global software learners and show how these techniques can affect research results. Using data from student groups engaged in global software development projects for the past year, the authors apply a number of different assessment methods and show their effects on different performance indicators. Our study suggests that the selection of appropriate measures to evaluate team performance can dramatically affect how one identifies successful teams.


The temporal communication behaviors of global software student teams
SWİGGER, Kathleen; Hoyt, Matthew; Serce, Fatma Cemile; Alpaslan, Ferda Nur (2012-03-01)
This paper examines the global software development process by using content analysis techniques, as described in an earlier study (Serce et al., 2011), to determine time-variant patterns of communication behaviors among student teams engaged in a global software development project. Data gathered from two software development projects involving students in the US, Panama, and Turkey were used to determine how globally distributed team behavior is temporally patterned in complex ways. A formal, quantitative...
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Structural factors that affect global software development learning team performance
SWİGGER, kathleen; Alpaslan, Ferda Nur; CABRERA, Victor Lopez; BRAZİLE, robert; DAFOULAS, georges; SERÇE, fatma cemile (2009-05-30)
A team performance model provided an organizing framework for studying multi-cultural distributed learning teams. Structural equation modeling was used to test for relationships among individual, cultural and attitudes about collaborative work factors and team performance. The paper describes this model and its theoretical basis and reports on results from two pilot projects involving 152 students from the US, Panama, UK, and Turkey. While the model shows satisfactory fit, the results suggest that other fac...
Interaction patterns among global software development learning teams
SERÇE, fatma cemile; SWİGGER, kathleen; Alpaslan, Ferda Nur; BRAZİLE, robert; DAFOULAS, georges; CABRERA, Victor Lopez (2009-05-22)
This paper describes a study of the impact of communication behaviors on the performance of global software teams. Using a content analysis technique developed by [10], the researchers first characterized the asynchronous communications among student teams in Panama, Turkey and the US as they worked to complete a global software development project. Cluster analysis was then used to identify groups with similar communication patterns, which is defined as the proportion of time spent on each of the behaviors...
Analysis of graph and text representation techniques for news recommendation and news classification
Ağrıman, Mustafa; Karagöz, Pınar; Department of Computer Engineering (2022-2-07)
Developments in computer science leads to increase in the use of software applications in all areas of life. This also causes an increase in data usage. Applications using textual data involves tasks such as finding similarities between texts, detecting events from texts, and classifying texts. However, using graphs and graph vectors can be more successful than textual methods of representing textual information, due to capability to express additional features and complex relationships in graph structure. ...
Citation Formats
S. KATHLEEN, S. CEMİLE, F. N. Alpaslan, B. ROBERT, D. GEORGE, and C. VİCTOR LOPEZ, “A Comparison of Team Performance Measures for Global Software Development Student Teams,” 2010, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/49189.