Sengoerina argandi, n. gen., n. sp., and its position in the evolution of Late Permian biseriamminid foraminifers

The name Sengoerina is proposed for a new biseriamminid genus characterized by a coiled stage of initially globular to progressively angular, biserial chambers followed by an uncoiled stage of angular, biserial chambers. Unlike Dagmarita, it has a distinct coiled stage and lacks spine-like projections at the outer margins of the chambers. Sengoerina constitutes the root stock of the angular-chambered, dagmaritin-type biseriamminids which evolved from the globivalvulines in the Late Permian.


End-Permian mass extinction of lagenide foraminifers in the Southern Alps (Northern Italy)
Groves, John R.; Rettori, Roberto; Payne, Jonathan L.; Boyce, Matthew D.; Altıner, Demir (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2007-05-01)
The Permian-Triassic boundary, examined at two sections in the Southern Alps, occurs similar to 1.0 to 1.5 m above the base of the Tesero Oolite Member of the Werfen Formation in a depositionally continuous sequence of inner neritic carbonates. Lagenide foraminifers from the boundary interval comprise 27 species in 15 genera plus additional unidentified taxa, most of which became extinct during the end-Permian crisis. The only survivors were "Nodosaria" elabugae and unidentified species in Geillitzina and N...
Cyclic palaeokarst surfaces in Aptian peritidal carbonate successions (Taurides, southwest Turkey): internal structure and response to mid-Aptian sea-level fall
Yılmaz, İsmail Ömer; Altıner, Demir (Elsevier BV, 2006-12-01)
The sedimentology and cyclic stratigraphy of palaeokarst structures in Aptian peritidal carbonate successions are interpreted using field and laboratory microfacies analyses of closely spaced samples from measured outcrop stratigraphic sections in southwest Turkey. Cycles displaying shallowing-upward metre-scale cyclicity are generally composed of lime mudstones/wackestones/packestones at the bottom and stromatolites or lime mudstones with charophytes and ostracods at the top. Subaerial exposure structures ...
Survival and recovery of calcareous foraminifera pursuant to the end-Permian mass extinction
Groves, JR; Altıner, Demir (Elsevier BV, 2005-09-01)
Ninety-one percent of calcareous foraminiferal genera became extinct during the end-Permian mass extinction. The Early Triassic Epoch was a survival phase characterized by a short-lived proliferation of disaster forms and then I prolonged interval of low diversity. The orders Miliolida and Lagenida experienced limited taxonomic re-diversification in Early and Late Anisian time, respectively. All fusulinoidean fusulinides became extinct in Late Permian time, and only two non-fusulinoidean genera persisted in...
Charliella rossae n. gen., n. sp., from the Tethyan realm: Remarks on the evolution of Late Permian biseriamminids
ALTINER, Demir; Altıner, Sevinç (GeoScienceWorld, 2001-10-01)
The name Charliella is proposed for a new biseriam-minid genus characterized by a four-layered wall that I thickens along the anterior side of the septa and partially occludes the chamber cavity. Charliella rossae was derived from the Globivalvulina graeca-Globivalvulina vonderschmitti lineage which also constituted the root stock of true Paraglobivalvulina (P mira) in Late Permian time. The Globivalvulina decrouezae-Septoglobival-vulina gracilis-Paraglobivalvulinoides septulifer lineage is another trend in...
The Cretaceous Mardin Group carbonates in southeast Turkey: Lithostratigraphy, foraminiferal biostratigraphy, microfacies and sequence stratigraphic evolution
Ozkan, Recep; Altıner, Demir (Elsevier BV, 2019-06-01)
The Mardin Group strata, as a product of the Cretaceous carbonate platform developed in the northern margin of the Arabian Platform, consists of a thick sedimentary sequence composed mostly of carbonates with subordinate clastic sediments. In this study, three stratigraphic sections Turkoglu, Derik and Inisdere addressing this sequence have been investigated in terms of lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy combined with microfacies analysis and sequence stratigraphic interpretation. A comprehensive examina...
Citation Formats
D. Altıner, “Sengoerina argandi, n. gen., n. sp., and its position in the evolution of Late Permian biseriamminid foraminifers,” MICROPALEONTOLOGY, pp. 215–220, 1999, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: