Personal computer application of well test analysis techniques

n this article, the application of personal computers (PC) to well testing is discussed. A well test analysis package that utilizes type curve matching as well as nonlinear history matching methods developed using an object oriented programming language is introduced. The program is based on vector definitions and can also be used on other computational platforms. The advantages and the uses of the program are discussed by providing a hypothetical example.
Energy Sources


Design and implementation of a monitoring framework
Kuz, Kadir; Doğru, Ali Hikmet; Department of Computer Engineering (2009)
In this thesis work, the symptoms in Windows XP operating system for fault monitoring are investigated and a fault monitoring library is developed. A test GUI is implemented to examine this library. Performance tests including memory and CPU usage are done to see its overhead to the system and platform tests on the current version of Windows operating system series (Windows Vista) are done to see for compatibility. In this thesis, fault monitor-fault detector interface is also defined and implemented. To mo...
Measurement based software process improvement
Ener, Aysun; Bilgen, Semih; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2007)
This thesis is a study on improving the software requirements management processes of embedded software department of a company. The literature on software process improvement and requirements engineering is reviewed. After determining the problems related to the current requirements management processes of the department, an improved process is proposed addressing these problems. The static process descriptions and the models of the current and improved requirements management processes are formed. A recen...
Graphical user interface (GUI) testing: Systematic mapping and repository
Banerjee, Ishan; Nguyen, Bao; Garousi, Vahid; Memon, Atif (Elsevier BV, 2013-10-01)
Context: GUI testing is system testing of a software that has a graphical-user interface (GUI) front-end. Because system testing entails that the entire software system, including the user interface, be tested as a whole, during GUI testing, test cases-modeled as sequences of user input events-are developed and executed on the software by exercising the GUI's widgets (e.g., text boxes and clickable buttons). More than 230 articles have appeared in the area of GUI testing since 1991.
Distributed discrete event simulation architecture with connectors
Çolpankan, İsmet Özgür; Oğuztüzün, Mehmet Halit S.; Kara, Ahmet; Department of Computer Engineering (2014)
In this thesis we propose a distributed approach to Simulation Modeling Architecture (SiMA) with software connectors via Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) as a middleware technology. SiMA is a DEVS-based modeling and simulation framework developed in TUBITAK BILGEM ILTAREN. Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) is a formalism that arranges complex system models with a well-defined execution protocol. A connector is a first class entity which performs interaction among components and plays an impor...
Intelligent student assessment and coaching interface to web-based education-oriented intelligent experimentation on robot supported laboratory set-ups
Motuk, Halil Erdem; Erkmen, Aydan Müşerref; Erkmen, İsmet; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2003)
This thesis presents a framework for an intelligent interface for the access of robotsupported remote laboratories through the Internet. The framework is composed of the student assessment and coaching system, the experimentation scenario, and the associated graphical user interface. Student assessment and coaching system is the main feature of a successful intelligent interface for use during remote experimentation with a robot-supported laboratory setup. The system has a modular structure employing artifi...
Citation Formats
S. Akın and M. V. Kök, “Personal computer application of well test analysis techniques,” Energy Sources, pp. 9–18, 2002, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: