Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Article

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Entity Type
Publication (442)

Has File(s)
No (424)
Yes (18)

Kök, Mustafa Verşan (209)
Akın, Serhat (74)
Parlaktuna, Mahmut (39)
Varfolomeev, Mikhail A. (21)
Nurgaliev, Danis K. (20)

Fuel Technology (133)
Energy Engineering and Power Technology (110)
General Chemical Engineering (67)
Kinetics (43)
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (42)

Date Issued
1991 - 1999 (49)
2000 - 2009 (211)
2010 - 2019 (129)
2020 - 2025 (53)

Item Type
Journal Article (341)
Other (2)
Conference Paper (1)

Recent Submissions

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The Early Determination Method of Reservoir Drive of Oil Deposits Based on Jamalbayli Indexes
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Numerical modeling of the CO2 injection in the Kızıldere geothermal field using multiple inter-well tracer tests
Sevindik, Doguhan Barlas; Erol, Selcuk; Akın, Serhat (2024-05-01)
Many geothermal power plants in Turkey emit high amounts of non-condensable gas (NCG), consisting mainly of CO2. Thus, it is crucial to mitigate the NCG emissions by re-injecting the captured gas back into the reservoir. I...
Experimental study and kinetic modeling of high temperature and pressure CO2 mineralization
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The potential for in-situ CO2 sequestration was analyzed experimentally for one basaltic hyaloclastite sample from the Nesjavellir geothermal reservoir in Iceland and three metasedimentary rock samples from the Kızıldere g...
Characterization and kinetics of diesel-biodiesel blends by non-isothermal thermal analysis techniques
Kök, Mustafa Verşan; Güresci, Ece Topa; Varfolomeev, Mikhail A.; Nurgaliev, Danis K. (2024-01-01)
This study investigated the combustion-pyrolysis characteristics and kinetics of blends consisting of diesel and biodiesel at varying concentrations. To assess these characteristics, thermogravimetry (TG-DTG) and a differe...
Geochemical and thermal characterization and kinetics of oil shale samples from Çeltek, Türkiye
Kök, Mustafa Verşan (2024-01-01)
This research delves into the geochemical aspects, non -isothermal thermogravimetric analysis, and model -free kinetics of oil shale samples from the & Ccedil;eltek region in Amasya, T & uuml;rkiye. Shifting the focus to t...
Extended Multiple Interacting Continua (E-MINC) Model Improvement with a K-Means Clustering Algorithm Based on an Equi-dimensional Discrete Fracture Matrix (ED-DFM) Model
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CO2 Dissolution in the reservoir brine: An experimental and simulation-based approach
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Update for reactive transport modeling of the Kızıldere geothermal field to reduce uncertainties in the early inspections
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Modelling reinjection of two-phase non-condensable gases and water in geothermal wells
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Decomposition behavior and kinetics of Beydili and Ihsangazi oil shale deposits (Turkiye) by TG-DTG-MS
Kök, Mustafa Verşan; Varfolomeev, Mikhail A.; Nurgaliev, Danis K. (2023-02-01)
This research mainly investigates the decomposition behavior and kinetics of Beydili and Ihsangazi oil shale deposits (Türkiye) by TG-DTG and MS techniques. In the initial stage of the research, geochemical and organic cha...
Experimental and numerical investigation of mining assisted heavy oil production for the Bati Raman field, Turkey
Canbolat, Serhat; Öztürk, Hasan; Akın, Serhat (2023-01-01)
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Investigation of natural gas hydrate potential of the south Caspian Sea
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Thermal characteristics and model-free kinetics of oil shale samples
Kök, Mustafa Verşan; Bal, Berk; Varfolomeev, Mikhail A.; Nurgaliev, Danis K. (2023-01-01)
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Flow and tracer transport in a single fracture at non-isothermal conditions
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Kinetic Analysis of Methane Hydrate Formation with Butterfly Turbine Impellers
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Advanced workflow for multi-well tracer test analysis in a geothermal reservoir
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Searching for the root cause of shale well rate variance: Highly variable fracture treatment response
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Application of TGA-MS technique for oil shale characterization and kinetics
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Thermal characteristics and model free kinetics of four different oil shale samples were studied using simultaneous thermogravimetry-mass spectrometer (TGA-MS) analysis performed at three different heating rates and under ...
Fluid-CO2 injection impact in a geothermal reservoir: Evaluation with 3-D reactive transport modeling
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Geothermal energy is commonly recognized as an environmentally friendly source of energy. However, geothermal fluids have unusually high CO2 content, particularly, in carbonated geothermal reservoirs. An efficient method t...
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