Kişisel video bilgi yönetim sistemleri için bir çatı geliştirilmesi

Çiçekli, Nihan Kesim
Ulusoy, İlkay
Alpaslan, Ferda Nur
Çiçekli, İlyas


Kişisel bakım ürünlerinde yerel zincir müşterileri için tedarik zinciri iyileştirilmesi
Çetin, Derya Hanım; Duman, Ekrem; Gürtürk, Zehra; Savcı, Ali; Uyar, Göksu; İyigün, Cem; Karaer, Özgen (2015-06-01)
Bu çalışma, Unilever Tedarik Zinciri Departmanı ile yürütülmüştür. Projenin ilerletilmesi için öncelikle sistemin güncel durumu aşama aşama incelenmiş, daha sonra tedarik zinciri yönetiminde aksaklıklara sebep olan problem belirtileri bulunmaya çalışılmıştır. Düşük rafta bulunurluk ve doğru üründen doğru miktarda rafta bulundurmama sonucu satış kaybı, yerel zincir mağazalarının temel problemidir. Taktiksel ve operasyonel seviyede çözümler içeren bir bütünsel çözüm yaklaşımı önerilmiştir. Ürün gamı yönetimi ...
Online and semi-automatic annotation of faces in personal videos
Yılmaztürk, Mehmet Celaleddin; Ulusoy, İlkay; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2010)
Video annotation has become an important issue due to the rapidly increasing amount of video available. For efficient video content searches, annotation has to be done beforehand, which is a time-consuming process if done manually. Automatic annotation of faces for person identification is a major challenge in the context of content-based video retrieval. This thesis work focuses on the development of a semi-automatic face annotation system which benefits from online learning methods. The system creates a f...
The Role of personal and organizational factors on student attrition from graduate education: "do or die?"
Ertem, Hasan Yücel; Gökalp, Gökçe; Department of Elementary Education (2018)
Holding a graduate degree is a significant achievement as it provides students who have it with opportunity to become faculty member, to get professional development, and to gain professional seniority. Despite this appeal, not all who start a graduate degree program persist or complete the program. The current study aims to develop and test a model in order to determine the role of personal and organizational factors on student attrition from graduate education and to investigate graduate student attrition...
Detection and management of personal data with an ontology-based approach
Bil Atasoy, Pınar; Alpaslan, Ferda Nur; Department of Computer Engineering (2022-5-09)
According to paragraph 3 of Article 20 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey has the right to the protection of personal data concerning himself with each individual. This law of protection of personal data is provided by the Law No. 6698 on the Personal Data Protection Law. When technology is intertwined with our lives, it has become very important to protect the privacy of the personal data such as the identity, health, communication and financial information of the individual and religious belief...
An application for continuous behavioral health monitoring and delivering digital personalized behavior change interventions
Başkaya, Mert; Çiçekli, Fehime Nihan; Department of Computer Engineering (2021-12-10)
In this thesis, a continuous behavioral health monitoring architecture is developed for chronic disease patients with a mobile application, a health data ingestion stack and a rule-based intervention engine. The mobile application is used for medical device integration and activity tracking. End-users also have interfaces to check their care plan activities, their adherence performances for them and to receive and configure motivational interventions and reminders about their activities. The ingestion stack...
Citation Formats
N. K. Çiçekli, İ. Ulusoy, F. N. Alpaslan, and İ. Çiçekli, “Kişisel video bilgi yönetim sistemleri için bir çatı geliştirilmesi,” 2011. Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: