Yüksek Sıvı Basınç (YSB) uygulamasının su ürünlerinin kalite parametreleri ve raf ömrü üzerine etkisi

Özden, Nuray Erkan
Alpas, Hami


Effect of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) in physicochemical and textural properties of starch
Okur, İlhami; Alpas, Hami; Department of Food Engineering (2018)
Starch is the major polysaccharide consumed by human being. It is not classified as a dietary fiber as it is digestible by the enzymes present in the saliva and small intestines. However, it could become possible to modify the starch with thermal and non-thermal techniques. High Hydrostatic Pressure (HHP) is a cold pasteurization technique that has increased application in the food industry with minimum effect on the nutritional quality of the products. It is hypothesized that the use of HHP could be a modi...
Development of high temperature creep resistant aluminium based sand cast magnesium alloys
Yalınız, Emrah; Kalkanlı, Ali; Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (2018)
The aim of this thesis is to develop alternative sand casting aluminum based magnesium alloys to substitute current sand castable helicopter transmission housing magnesium alloys such as ZE41A and EV31A. AZ91 magnesium alloy has also been preferred for helicopter transmission housing material. However, the lower creep resistance above 120 oC due to the presence of -(Mg17Al12) phase in the microstructure and showing varying mechanical properties in different section thicknesses limit the usage of AZ91 in th...
The evaluation of high hydrostatic pressure effects on bovine blood constituents and the microbial survival
Ceylan, Çağatay; Bozoğlu, Faruk; Department of Biotechnology (2005)
The main objective of this study was to investigate the effects of high hydrostatic pressure on the stability of blood constituents for the purpose of an effective reduction of viral and bacterial count. The effect of HHP treatment on the several blood constituents were analyzed at different HHP levels at 25 0C for 5 minutes. The bovine blood as the model material was separated into two major parts; namely, serum and blood cells by centrifugation. Erythrocytes were found to be mostly stable up to 220 MPa pr...
Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure on Quality Factors and Shelf Life of Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber Scombrus) and Red Mullet (Mullus Barbatus)
Şentürk, Tuğçe; Alpas, Hami; Department of Food Engineering (2011)
The ability of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) to extend the shelf life of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) and red mullet (Mullus barbatus) was assessed in this study. For that purpose, fillets of both atlantic mackerel and red mullet were subjected to pressure treatments at 200, 300, 400 MPa at 5, 10, 15°C for 5 and 15 minutes. The influence of the treatments on Trimethylamine Nitrogen (TMA-N) level, lipid oxidation stability (Thiobarbituric Acid, TBA level) was investigated as well as color changes. ...
Extraction of pectin from sugar beet pulp by high hydrostatic pressure and invest igation of extraction efficiency and extract characteristics.
Kaya, Burcu; Alpas, Hami; Department of Food Engineering (2020)
Food industry produces huge amount of food waste after food processing. The food wastes could include significant amount of functional ingredients that have valorization potential. The techniques utilized to obtain functional compounds from food wastes are named as valorization. One of the important wastes of food industry is sugar beet pulp which is the waste of sugar processing. Utilizing this pulp for various applications has been very common recently. In this study, sugar beet pulp pectin was extracted ...
Citation Formats
N. E. Özden and H. Alpas, “Yüksek Sıvı Basınç (YSB) uygulamasının su ürünlerinin kalite parametreleri ve raf ömrü üzerine etkisi,” 2011. Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://app.trdizin.gov.tr/publication/project/detail/TVRBM01UYzM.