Stokastik optimizasyon yöntemleri kullanılarak üç boyutlu çelik taşıyıcı sistemlerin optimum tasarımı ve ülkemiz yapı mühendisliğine uygulanması

Saka, Mehmet Polat
Hasançebi, Oğuzhan


Various parameter estimation techniques for stochastic differential equations
Ergişi, Semi; Vardar Acar, Ceren; Department of Statistics (2019)
Dynamic systems appear in many fields from economics to physics, from biology toengineering include randomness. Therefore, stochastic differential equations are oneof the necessary mathematical tools to model dynamic systems in these disciplines.In this study, we propose two parameter estimation methods when modelling withSDEs which are driven by Brownian motion. Maximum likelihood estimation andgeneralized method of moment techniques are used to estimate parameters and it isobtained that when the assumptio...
A stochastic programming approach to the single machine makespan problem with random breakdowns
Gürel, Tarık; Azizoğlu, Meral; Batun, Sakine; Department of Industrial Engineering (2022-12)
In this thesis, we consider a single machine scheduling problem with random breakdowns. There is a single breakdown whose occurrence times follow a discrete distribution with known probabilities. We aim to minimize the expected makespan and propose a stochastic programming approach. We propose two stage stochastic programming models and a branch and bound algorithm. We enhance the performance of the branch and bound algorithm with an efficient branching scheme and powerful lower bounds. The results of ...
A genetic algorithm for the p-hub center problem with stochastic service level constraints
Eraslan Demirci, Şükran; Meral, Fatma Sedef; Department of Industrial Engineering (2010)
The emphasis on minimizing the costs and travel times in a network of origins and destinations has led the researchers to widely study the hub location problems in the area of location theory in which locating the hub facilities and designing the hub networks are the issues. The p-hub center problem considering these issues is the subject of this study. p-hub center problem with stochastic service level constraints and a limitation on the travel times between the nodes and hubs is addressed, which is an unc...
Runge-Kutta scheme for stochastic optimal control problems
Öz Bakan, Hacer; Weber, Gerhard Wilhelm; Yılmaz, Fikriye; Department of Financial Mathematics (2017)
In this thesis, we analyze Runge-Kutta scheme for the numerical solutions of stochastic optimal control problems by using discretize-then-optimize approach. Firstly, we dis- cretize the cost functional and the state equation with the help of Runge-Kutta schemes. Then, we state the discrete Lagrangian and take the partial derivative of it with respect to its variables to get the discrete optimality system. By comparing the continuous and discrete optimality conditions, we find a relationship between the Runge...
Nuclear spinodal instabilities in stochastic mean-field approaches
Er, Nuray; Yılmaz, Osman; Department of Physics (2009)
Nuclear spinodal instabilities are investigated in non-relativistic and relativistic stochastic mean-field approaches for charge asymmetric and charge symmetric nuclear matter. Quantum statistical effect on the growth of instabilities are calculated in non-relativistic approach. Due to quantal effects, in both symmetric and asymmetric matter, dominant unstable modes shift towards longer wavelengths and modes with wave numbers larger than the Fermi momentum are strongly suppressed. As a result of quantum sta...
Citation Formats
M. P. Saka and O. Hasançebi, “Stokastik optimizasyon yöntemleri kullanılarak üç boyutlu çelik taşıyıcı sistemlerin optimum tasarımı ve ülkemiz yapı mühendisliğine uygulanması,” 2010. Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: