Anadolu'daki Mihrapların Dili

Renda, Günsel
The mihrab, usually a concave and very often heavily decorated niche found in a mosque on the qiblah wall directed toward Mecca, is one of the fundamental elements in Islamic religious architecture. The form of the mihrab and the type of decoration varied from place to place within centuries, depending on the available local material and the regional artistic tradition. Ömür Bakırer's book on the Anatolian mihrabs (in Turkish with an English summary) comprises a thorough study of the 13th century mihrabs in Anatolia where the different forms are distinguished and an analysis is made of its component elements and decoration. To establish a ground for comparison, the author discusses extensively in the first chapter, the mihrabs built between the 8th and 14th centuries in Islamic countries outside of Anatolia. The second chapter and the following detailed catalogue in the book cover eighty nine Anatolian mihrabs classifying their architectural and decorative elements, Ömür Bakırer's classification shows that the primary material in the Anatolian mihrabs is cutstone. Second in popularity is mosaic-faience, a technique extensively used in Seljuqid Anatolia long before other Islamic countries. As far as the type of mihrab used in Anatolia, the most common is in the form of a niche set in a rectangular framework. In the Anatolian mihrap the stalactited half dome is a predominent element. The mihrap without a crowningarch is more common in Southeastern Anatolia whereas that with a crowning arch resting on the engaged columns, is more often found in Central and Eastern Anatolia. Most of the mihrabs are covered with decoration and the distribution of geometric and floral interlaces and bands with inscription follow a certain scheme. Geometric and floral interlaces and sometimes inscription bands alternate on the bands of the framework. Anatolian mihrabs differ from those in other Islamic countries mainly by their predominating geometric ornament.


The Neighbourhood Mosque with Wooden Minaret in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 16th and 17th Century: Four Examples of Restoration in Tuzla Region
Jahic, Edin (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2019-9-25)
The mosque with wooden minaret, porch and hip roof, represents the authentic building type which had been built on a large number through four centuries of the Ottoman period in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1463-1878). These structures were constructed using locally available materials and construction techniques, all done by domestic builders. Sometimes numerous, small neighbourhood (mahalle) mosques constantly decay and disappear in last hundred years, as a result of incompetent appraisal and maintenance, viol...
Historical background of Libyan mosque architecture: assesment and criticism of mosquesin Ajdabiya city
Buhlfaia, Saeid; Cengizkan, Ali; Department of Architecture (2006)
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Historical and geometrical analysis of muqarnas and prospect of its reflection on today’s architecture
Imani, Elena; Erkılıç, Mualla; Department of Building Science in Architecture (2017)
Muqarnas, one of the key elements in Islamic architecture, is a three-dimensional element that is mostly used in religious buildings for decorating vaults, niches, porches and domes. Muqarnas initially was used as a functional element to provide a gradual and smooth transition between two levels, two sizes or two shapes in buildings, but over time, various Muqarnas patterns have developed and acquired ornamental features. After the developments achieved in digital art and architecture, Muqarnas compositions...
Konya Alaeddin Camisi Yapım Evreleri Üzerine Düşünceler
Asutay Effenberger, Neslihan (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2006)
The Alaeddin Mosque, which is located on a hill in the middle of modern Konya, is one of the most problematical monuments of the Seljuk Anatolia. It has suffered from several restorations and almost lost of its original substance. Its irregular prayer hall shows the following parts (from east to west): a hypostyle hall, a central unit with a mihrap cupola and a western wing. An U-shaped courtyard, where two kümbets are situated, is positioned in the north side of the prayer hall. In addition, some wall frag...
Kayseri Tomarza’da İkinci Abdülhamit Döneminde İnşa Edilmiş İki Yapı: Merkez Camisi Ve Müftülük Binası
Özbek, Yıldıray (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2011)
This paper examines two buildings, the central mosque and the muftuluk building at Tomarza both built at the end of the Abdulhamid II Era. The inscription dates the central mosque construction to 1906, to replace the Hac Huseyin Mosque built in 1745, after its collapse. Following the plan of the famous Green Tomb or Mosque in Iznik, the mosque attracts attention with its portal arranged in neo-classical and empire style and its embroidered window order with coloured stones. Two storeyed muftuluk building wi...