Tailoring ISO/IEC 12207 for instructional software development

Demirörs, Onur
Demirors, E
Tarhan, A
Yildiz, A
This paper describes our experience on tailoring ISO/IEC 12207 for instructional software development. The project was initiated by a large government agency, and the process defined is to be followed by its suppliers during a typical software development contract. The process if targeted especially to small software development companies and provides guidance on what to do with respect to the customer's expectations


Using feature models for reusability in agile methods
Jedyk, Marcin; Doğru, Ali Hikmet; Department of Computer Engineering (2011)
The approach proposed in this thesis contributes to implementing source code reuse and re-engineering techniques for agile software development. This work includes an introduction to feature models and some of the Feature Oriented Software Development (FOSD) practices to achieve a lightweight way of retrieving source code. A Feature model created during the course of following FOSD practices serves as an additional layer of documentation which represents the problem space for the developed application. This...
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CODUR, K. Burak; Karatas, Sercin; Doğru, Ali Hikmet (2012-01-01)
This paper presents a case study about the application of a project-based learning approach. In this case study, software development projects are performed by the students, using historical software development methods in order to demonstrate evolution of the subject. The presented case study differs from others reported in the literature in its utilization of historical methods for project execution. Getting feedback and reaction of students and assessing the success of the project-based learning implemen...
Agilitymod: a software agility reference model for agility assessment
Özcan Top, Özden; Demirörs, Onur; Department of Information Systems (2014)
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Proposing a Federated Approach to Global Software Development
Tufekci, Ozgur; Cetin, Semih; Arifoğlu, Ali (2010-02-16)
Managing software development across boundaries is quite challenging. The boundaries may be around teams, organizations, cities, and even countries. From small scale to enterprise scale, distributed software development requires particular devotion to many aspects of software engineering. New name of the same old problem is "Global Software Development (GSD)" nowadays. This paper briefly identifies the challenges of GSD, presents the state-of-the-art for meeting such challenges, discusses the shortcomings o...
Citation Formats
O. Demirörs, E. Demirors, A. Tarhan, and A. Yildiz, “Tailoring ISO/IEC 12207 for instructional software development,” 2000, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/52415.