Effect of cisplatin treatment on protein expression of vitamin D metabolizing CYP24A1 in PC3 cell line



Effect of resveratrol on mRNA and protein expressions of Vitamin D metabolizing CYP24A1 in human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK-293)
Akkulak, Merve; Evin, Emre; Adalı, Orhan (null; 2017-06-28)
Effect of quercetin on mRNA and protein expressions of vitamin D metabolizing CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 in human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK-293)
Durukan, Özlem; Akkulak, Merve; Özhan, Güneş; Evin, Emre; Adalı, Orhan (Wiley, 2018-07-01)
Vitamin D is essential compound for life having role not only in the regulation of calcium metabolism but also in the regulation of cell proliferation, immune responses, cardiovascular homeostasis and nervous system. These wide range of actions occur with the enzymatic conversion of vitamin D to 1a,25-dihydroxyvitamin D by cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs). While CYP27B1 provides the synthesis of hormonally active form of Vitamin D, 1,25(OH)2D, CYP24A1 involves in catabolism of vitamin D. Quercetin, as one of ...
Effect of cisplatin-metformin drug combination on GSTP1 mediated apoptosis
Durukan, Özlem; Arslan, Şevki; Adalı, Orhan (null; 2017-09-08)
Kllng cancer cells by trggerng cellular apoptoss seems to be the prevalent acton mechansm for cancer drugs. Usng substances that targetng the enzymes partcpatng n the apoptotc pathways that trggers the cellular apoptoss can be a useful treatment opton for cancer. GSTP enzyme, ts newly known role as a modulator of cellular survval and death, can be a good proten molecule for cancer studes. Although, csplatn as one of the most potent alkylatng agent that appled wth success n vast majorty of cancers, ts sde ef...
Effect of membrane fluidity on binding of 125I-insulin to sheep liver membrane receptors
Öktem, Hüseyin Avni; Yücel, Meral; Department of Biological Sciences (1987)
Citation Formats
E. Evin, M. Akkulak, and O. Adalı, “Effect of cisplatin treatment on protein expression of vitamin D metabolizing CYP24A1 in PC3 cell line,” FEBS OPEN BIO, pp. 326–326, 2018, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/52523.