Life style determinants of bone mineral density in Turkish women

Akın, Serhat
Atalay, F.
Karaoglan, B.
Kutsal, Y. Gokce
Dincer, G.
Hasanoglu, A.
Basaran, A.


Life and value orientations of Turkish University students
Cileli, M; Tezer, Esin (1998-03-01)
This study investigated the value orientations of optimists and pessimists and the value structures of each group. The Life Orientation Test and the Rokeach Value Survey were administered to 285 university students in Ankara, Turkey. Results indicated that there were differences in the value orientations of optimists and pessimists. The examination of value structures of optimists and pessimists revealved that optimists were likely to give priority to self-expansion, while pessimists tended toward self-rest...
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Based on the findings of a cross-cultural study, this paper aims (a) to explore changes in the current life situations and attitudes of the Turkish elderly toward institutional living in terms of age, sex, and urbanization; and (b) by way of comparison with the Swedish case, to assess the generalizability of the findings within a cross-cultural perspective. Indepth interviews were carried out with 448 Turkish males and females (55-71 years) residing in small towns, cities, and metropolitan areas. The comp...
Life satisfaction of visually impaired Turkish adolescents
Aydemir, Deniz; Sümer, Zeynep (null; 2010-09-03)
Life satisfactions and attitudes of Turkish institutionalized elderly toward institutional living in high and low quality institutions
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Life quality and rehabilitation after a road traffic crash: A literature review
Uzumcuoglu, Yesim; Özkan, Türker; Lajunen, Timo; MORANDİ, Anna; ORSİ, Chiara; PAPADAKAKİ, Maria; CHLIAOUTAKIS, Johannes (Elsevier BV, 2016-07-01)
Road traffic injuries continue to pose a worldwide threat to health and well-being of people. In European Union, for example, each year more than 25,000 people are killed and 1.4 million people are injured or disabled in road traffic crashes (RTCs). Additionally, families of RTC victims and their lives are affected emotionally, socially, psychologically, and economically. It should be noted that as in the beginning of 1990s, however, the majority of available literature is focused on the pre-RTC factors (e....
Citation Formats
S. Akın et al., “Life style determinants of bone mineral density in Turkish women,” 2007, vol. 18, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: