Regionalization of dynamic input output analysis with special reference to İstanbul.

Diren, Murat


Regional planning of a health care system.
Aykın, Turgut; Department of Industrial Engineering (1980)
Regional supply response in Turkish agriculture : the case of cotton.
Şayer, Ali; Department of Economics (1983)
Regional Development Through Global Production Networks: The Case of Tea Sector in Eastern Black Sea Region
Tüylüoğlu, Bedriye Okşan; Pınarcıoğlu, Mehmet Melih; Department of City and Regional Planning (2022-11-28)
This thesis explores the possible regional development outcomes of global production networks to the tea sector in the Eastern Black Sea Region. The argument of the global production network literature that, in addition to the region's internal dynamics, the region's compatibility with the needs of global actors is also essential for regional development has been a starting point for the study. Based on this argument, the links between the Turkish tea sector and global production networks are analyzed withi...
Regional frequency analysis of precipitation using time series clustering approaches
Zaifoğlu, Hasan; Akıntuğ, Bertuğ; Yanmaz, Ali Melih (American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2018-06-01)
A regional frequency analysis using L-moments was performed with time series clustering approaches to identify homogeneous regions using dynamic data sets in Northern Cyprus. In this context, the conventional approach, based on station characteristics and different time series clustering approaches, classified as shape-based, feature-based, and model-based, were compared. Hierarchical Ward's method with the correlation-based similarity measure of the feature-based approach was determined as the best method ...
Regional effects of terrorism on economic growth in Turkey: A geographically weighted regression approach
Öcal, Nadir; Yildirim, Juelide (2010-07-01)
The economic growth effects of terrorism have generally been examined in a cross-country framework where socio-economic differences among the countries are ignored. This highly restrictive assumption may result in heterogeneity bias, which could be overcome by resorting to country studies rather than cross-country analysis. Moreover, the relationship between the terrorist incidents and various factors may not be stationary in space. The majority of terrorist incidents in Turkey are concentrated mainly in Ea...
Citation Formats
M. Diren, “Regionalization of dynamic input output analysis with special reference to İstanbul.,” Middle East Technical University, 1980.