Current Situation and Future Perspectives in Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Management in Turkey

Insel, G.
Kendır, E.
Ayol, A.
Erdincler, A.
Arıkan, Osman Atilla
İmamoğlu, İpek
Alagoz, B. A.
Gencsoy, E. B.
Sanin, Faika Dilek
Buyukkamaci, N.
Karatas, O.
Saygılı, G.
Sener, G.
Cokgor, E. U.
Filibeli, A.
Appropriate management of wastewater and sludge requires several systems. One of these systems is the collection of data about generation rates and characteristics of sludge. This paper aims to summarize the work done as a part of a threeyear project requested by the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. Efforts involved preparation and evaluation of a detailed questionnaire for currently operated wastewater treatment plants (INWTPs) in Turkey, collection and confirmation of information from visits to large scale plants, calculation of theoretical sludge generation rates from data provided, and its comparison to reported sludge amounts.


Comparison of groundwater recharge estimation techniques: a case study from the Kucuk Menderes River basin in Turkey
Gundogdu, A; Yazıcıgil, Hasan; Kirmizitas, H (2000-04-01)
Quantification of groundwater recharge is a basic prerequisite for efficient groundwater management. While there are several approaches to estimating groundwater recharge rates, some of the approaches proposed cannot be applied in basin-wide hydrogeological investigations due to a lack of data. Thus, some conventional recharge estimation techniques for which data are most often available have to be used in estimating groundwater recharge. In this study, water level fluctuation, the precipitation vs water le...
Current status of filtration theory
Yukseler, H; Yetiş, Ülkü; Tosun, I (2005-10-01)
Sludge dewatering is a difficult process in water and wastewater treatment, as commonly achieved through filtration practice. The purpose of sludge dewatering is to remove as much of the liquid portion of the sludge so that its transport and disposal becomes possible and feasible. The extent of the performance of the filtration operation is highly influenced by the characteristics of the sludge; such as its solids concentration, bound water content, organic content, cellulose content, pH, electrical charge ...
Numerical reservoir simulation of Alaşehir geothermal field
Aydın, Hakkı; Akın, Serhat (null; 2020-02-10)
Use of a comprehensive reservoir simulation is essential for an effective geothermal reservoir management. TOUGH2 has become a widely used simulator for this purpose. In this study, one of the most exploited geothermal fields in Turkey, Alaşehir geothermal field has been modeled by using TOUGH2 reservoir simulator. The study includes more than 100 wells, which are operated by 7 different developers. The total installed capacity of geothermal power plants in the field is 212 MWe, but additional capacity (98 ...
Hierarchical approach to hydrological model calibration
ÖZDEMİR, Ayfer; Leloğlu, Uğur Murat; ABBASPOUR, Karim C. (2017-04-01)
Hydrological models have been widely used for water resources management. Successful application of hydrological models depends on careful calibration and uncertainty analysis. Spatial unit of water balance calculations may differ widely in different models from grids to hydrological response units (HRU). The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) software uses HRU as the spatial unit. SWAT simulates hydrological processes at sub-basin level by deriving HRUs by thresholding areas of soil type, land use, and ...
Exploring the added value of machine learning methods in predicting flow duration curves a comparative analysis for ungauged catchments
Doğulu, Nilay; Kentel Erdoğan, Elçin (2016-12-12)
Understanding catchment hydrology is a fundamental concern for hydrologists and water resources planners. In this context, given the increasing demand for streamflow information at sparsely gauged or ungauged catchments, there has been great interest in estimating flow duration curve (FDC) due to its many practical applications. Statistical methods have been widely used for the modelling of FDCs at ungauged sites. These methods usually rely on estimation of flow quantiles, or quantitative characteristics of...
Citation Formats
G. Insel et al., “Current Situation and Future Perspectives in Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Management in Turkey,” JOURNAL OF RESIDUALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, pp. 133–138, 2013, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: