Kosovo Turks: An 'Extraordinary' Turkish Diaspora

Most studies on Kosovo focus primarily on the majority Albanians and the former rulers of the province, the Serbs. However, there are several other ethnic/national communities living in the region. This study will examine the Turkish community of Kosovo and its diasporic relationship with Turkey. This community is a rather extraordinary diaspora of Turkey. One of the reasons that make it extraordinary is the way it has come about. The other reason is that it is not one of the typical ethnic or religious diasporas. It has at times widened through encompassing Albanians. It has also contracted in time as a result of some Turks' renunciation of Turkish identity and adoption of the Albanian one in its stead, and/or using both Turkish and Albanian identities simultaneously. Therefore, this extraordinary Turkish diaspora community impels one to reconsider Turkey's diasporas throughout the world.


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Turkey and Turkish/Muslim minorities in Greece and Bulgaria (1923-1938)
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Citation Formats
T. Ünlü Bilgiç, “Kosovo Turks: An ‘Extraordinary’ Turkish Diaspora,” BILIG, pp. 41–62, 2012, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/54975.