The Europeanization of National Foreign Policy: Continuity and Change in European Crisis Management



The impact of Lisbon Treaty on the European Union foreign policy actorness: the case study of Arab-Israeli conflict
Sönmez, Esma Yağmur; Tür Küçükkaya, Özlem; Department of International Relations (2018)
The objective of this thesis to evaluate the impact of Lisbon Treaty on foreign policy actorness of the EU. Within the context of historical evolution of the Common Foreign and Security Policy, four actorness criteria of recognition, authority, autonomy and cohesion are main instruments of this thesis to investigate the foreign policy actorness of the EU. Considering the fact that the Lisbon Treaty has been framework of the most comprehensive institutional changes serving to the aim of having an EU foreign ...
The glorification of civil society: international debates and Turkish reflections
Arıner, Hakkı Onur; Bedirhanoğlu Toker, Pınar; Department of International Relations (2006)
This thesis aims to problematize the assumptions behind the glorification of civil society as a new and progressive actor in politics along with their political and ideological implications. It is argued that the assumptions behind the glorification of civil society are conceptually misleading and politically disabling. The portrayal of “civil society” or “global civil society” as a homogenous as well as inherently democratic and peaceful sphere that is opposed to an equally homogenous power-seeking state h...
The European Contribution To Institutional Economics: The Approach Of G. M. Hodgson
Yılmaz, Ferudun (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2001)
Institutional economics is the leading heterodox school in economics. The other characteristic of the school is the ‘Americanness’ of its trajectory. But recent years have witnessed a transformation in the traditional boundaries of institutional economics. The school has opened its doors to European thoughts, and then the European wing of institutionalism has emerged. While European institutionalism suffered from heterogeneity of its theoretical content, it nonetheless has a potential to overcome the ‘isola...
The European Contribution To Institutional Economics: The Approach Of G. M. Hodgson
Yılmaz, Ferudun (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2001)
Institutional economics is the leading heterodox school in economics. The other characteristic of the school is the ‘Americanness’ of its trajectory. But recent years have witnessed a transformation in the traditional boundaries of institutional economics. The school has opened its doors to European thoughts, and then the European wing of institutionalism has emerged. While European institutionalism suffered from heterogeneity of its theoretical content, it nonetheless has a potential to overcome the ‘isola...
The liberalisation of the Islamic political thought in Turkey: the case of the Islamic Civil Society Project
Gündogan, Ünal; Okyayuz, Mehmet; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2002)
Citation Formats
Z. Torun, “The Europeanization of National Foreign Policy: Continuity and Change in European Crisis Management,” ULUSLARARASI ILISKILER-INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, pp. 131–134, 2011, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: